forum Create a Warrior Cat! (Game)
Started by @Darkblossom group

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@Darkblossom group

So, you give me the first part of the cats name and one to four words describing their personality, and I will create the coloring, full name, basic personality and/or backstory of the cat. Go!

@Darkblossom group

Name: Silverstep
Appearance: Black she-cat with silver paws and stripes, storm gray eyes.
Personality: She is a hard worker and ambitious, but knows how to have fun and that sometimes she needs to relax and smell the flowers. Sometimes she can neglect her friends, and forget about certain responsibilities when she is lazer focused on one. She has had a mate, but he fell off a cliff soon before a litter of three was born, and Stonekit was the only kit to survive. As a result, she is very protective of him.

@Darkblossom group

Name: Foxflight
Appearance: Dark ginger tom with black paws, tail, and ears, amber eyes.
Personality: Foxflight is a new warrior who loves to just run and play around like a kit, but he has learned the hard way that he needs to stay focused on his warrior duties. He tends to run from his problems, and instead of making concrete decisions will just ignore it. He is also an optimist, always thinking of how everything will work out in the end.

Name: Ripplefur
Appearance: Fluffy light gray she-cat with lighter gray stripes, a patch of dark gray on her ear, and green eyes.
Personality: Ripplefur was given her name because of her thick, fluffy pelt. She is very quiet and laid-back, happy to stay out of the limelight. She is also a fierce fighter, and can stay calm in all the worst situations. For these reasons she was made deputy, and works harder than ever to support her leader and her Clan.


(The discription for Foxflight is so accurate to his actually character!)

Name: Squirrel

Personality traits: thoughtful, active, flirtatious, strong willed.

@Darkblossom group

(Really? Using the personalities and names of cats from the actual books? Really?)
Name: Squirreltail
Appearance: Gray and ginger tom, fluffy tail, dark amber eyes
Personality: Squirreltail got his name thanks to his fluffy gray tail. He is very good at decision making, but once he has is mind set on one thing he will be very stubborn to stick to it. He hates just sitting around doing nothing, and will almost constantly be hunting or patrolling, or even just running through the woods. He also is very popular among the she-cats, with his handsome gray and ginger pelt, but he hasn’t taken a mate yet as he feels they’re all attracted to his looks only.


Name: Lightning
Personality traits: serious, high levels of self-control, kind, brave
Flaws: stubborn, will not falter in the face of fear ( this kinda goes with being brave so just tell me if it goes up in personality traits)


Name: Fire
Clan: ThunderClan
Coloring: Female dark brown tabby with brilliant green eyes
Personality: Brave, courageous, determined, snarky, flirty, stubborn, extremely smart, deputy
Very popular with the tomcats, but hasn't taken a mate, though she is close to Flamepelt, Firestar's great great great grandson.
Note: the leader, Squirrelstar, died.
Fire will be leader, but please make me a warrior name.
Thank you!!!

@Darkblossom group

This is very late (I haven't been on Notebook for a looonnnggg time) but doing these is so fun so here goes!

Name: Lightningdash
Appearance: Smoky she-cat with a white hind paw and white forepaw and mismatched eyes: one green, one amber
Personality: Lightningdash always appears stoical and always thinks before placing her paws. She is methodical and intelligent, but many misunderstand her and are driven away by her coldness. She sometimes forgets to ask others their opinions, and assumes leadership instinctively in a group. At her heart, she cares deeply for everyone in her Clan, and will risk life and limb for every one of them. She was named for the flash of lightning that struck down a tree into the camp the day she was born. Later, as an apprentice, she faced a second storm, and rescued some kits as she was the only one small enough to get near where they were trapped in fallen wood and debris.

Ooooh, Firestar's name has come back to bestow its glory on a descendant! I dub thee… FIREFLASH