forum Cover requests!
Started by @ImNotCrazyImAFangirl

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That's how I do requests too, if you'd like I could do some character art for you in exchange! I'd like to make a request for my story titled Skelecop.


Oh that’d be lovely! I haven’t got any characters who I’m looking for art for, but you can look through my public characters and pick one if you’d like! Could you send me the summary for Skelecop?


Skelecop is a devoted detective and guardian of NeoNight known to be the afterlife underworld. Wilson Marrow(Skeleton Cop), Austin Merno(Street Fighter Vampire), Lavender Brooks(Jack of all trades witch), and Vanessa Yuki(Princess Guardian Fox spirit) come together to solve the underworld's crimes. Chaos reigns when they discover a villain like no other named ShadowCat, a being of darkness and selfishness. ShadowCat threatens the laws of life as well as the government laws of NeoNight. Wilson and his trusted friend have to protect the souls of the afterlife and take down dangerous villains all the while keeping the peace between the different class statuses of gods, demons, and the eternally damned souls.
Sorry if this is really vague, I had to make it up cause I've never actually written a summary for it. I haven't even started writing the story, I'm still gathering details for the characters and world.
Here's a link to a comic cover page I made if you need inspiration. It has Skelecop on it with side character villains, the rest of the comic is actually on my instagram if you want to read it. I'm not using the plot from it though for my reimagined version.

@RebeccArt I really like the 3D color effect around them, the white space in the eyes, and the silhouettes. I'm not sure what all you're capable of or how long you're willing to spend on it, but I can quickly whip up new silhouettes for my characters for you to use so we don't have to search online for new ones. That image though is sort of too wide, I'd prefer a more vertically long image and with that in mind, I'll just draw the full body silhouettes so it's easier. But as for the background, I mentioned that they live in NeoNight and I was thinking of having the silhouette of a city in the back. Here's an image I really liked, the only thing I'd change is invert the black to white.….0…1c.1.64.psy-ab..0.15.1281…0i67k1j0i10k1.0.C2_0nugHqlY#imgrc=F5LsHUsPrpMfEM: