forum Cool story prompts
Started by @ReneeTayl

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Two best friends live together. The girl cannot do any house work, literally, a walking destruction button. She's tough but petite. The boy however is a cleaning and cooking ninja, fast, precise and deadly with knives and a broom. He literally gained power from doing house work too much.
Together they are actually a team of an awe powerful assassin/battle junkie that work for a secret government Branch to infiltrate/kill/spy/steal opposing threats.
They are known as The Gemini.


Camalot has fallen, still Merlin lives.
Robots have taken over, still Merin lives.
The end of the world has come and gone, plunging the world to as it was in the beginning, still Merlin lives.
Camalot and Magic rise again, as does a fallen king, and Merlin is at his side, as he has always been.

P.S. if someone writes this- or any of my prompts, let me know, I would read the heck out of that.