forum Conspiracy Theories???
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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Mountains don't exist.

Um… I've reached the top of a mountain before. Pretty sure it exists.

thats what they want you to think

Then how do they not exist and what motive would anyone have to pretend they do?

Deleted user

becuase, by all laws of aviation, birds should not be able to fly


Mountains don't exist.

Um… I've reached the top of a mountain before. Pretty sure it exists.

thats what they want you to think

Then how do they not exist and what motive would anyone have to pretend they do?

All the ones you've seen are built by the government to make you think mountains exist. They do this to hide you from the true world.


Asia was not the only region that experienced economic imperialism during the 19th century. After U.S. military might forced Japan to open its borders, that same power was used to control countries in the Caribbean and the Pacific. To do so, however, the United States first had to weaken an old power: Spain.

For centuries, Spain had controlled nearly all of Central and South America, as well as Pacific island nations like the Philippines. However, by the mid-19th century, Spain had lost most of her colonies in Latin America except for Puerto Rico and Cuba. When rebels in Cuba fought for their independence from the Spanish, many Americans sympathized with them. In 1898, the U.S. warship Maine exploded in a Cuban harbor; the United States used the disaster as an excuse to declare war on Spain. By winning the Spanish-American War, the U.S. gained control of several Spanish territories.

Found it! It was in my textbook lmao I can't believe I forgot that


Mountains don't exist.

Um… I've reached the top of a mountain before. Pretty sure it exists.

thats what they want you to think

Then how do they not exist and what motive would anyone have to pretend they do?

All the ones you've seen are built by the government to make you think mountains exist. They do this to hide you from the true world.

I'm not exactly bothered by fake mountains. That's a lot of time and materials spend building mountains…


So I had the oddest conspiracy theory ever… what if the government controls the evolution of mankind and because of that we are not to our full potential. I'm not talking about "evolving from monkeys". I mean genetic diversity. The government could easily control that by simply injecting the nuclious of a different cell into an egg cell. They inject that into a pregnant woman and call it a flu shot. The government could do that for many reasons:

  • so that Americans would have most desireable traits compared to other countries
  • to protect the gene pool from something harmful
  • to keep humans from unlocking their full potentiontial

Deleted user

Everything we see is a hallucination from things in the oxygen, so thats why we blackout when we stop breathing

Deleted user

aliens are so real. how could we be the only sentinent life forms? it makes no sense


Everything we see is a hallucination from things in the oxygen, so thats why we blackout when we stop breathing

That really could be the case. It feels like it sometimes…