forum Conspiracy Theories?
Started by @Desvelarse pets

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One of the most crazy ones I’ve heard of is “Australia doesn’t exist”. Like eye-
How do people think this stuff xD?!?! There’s legitimately a whole community who is 100% convinced that Australia does not exist and that when people “fly to” or “live in” Australia, it’s just another part of the world, not actually Australia. Not sure how that makes sense but okay lmao

@Toaster group

The Bermuda Triangle.
Do things really disappear there?
But I ain't takin' any chances.
Imma stay right here in my state.

Deleted user

So manyyy. Um, I mean, I guess honestly anything Shane Dawson has talked about lmao. But otherwise, Pizzagate is interesting (don't look into it unless you're very mature and okay with hearing about sexual exploitation), along with Tony Podesta's art (ew. Just ew.) and another very serious scandal involving a child and Hillary Clinton that I'm not even gonna name because it's very serious and hella dark. (It's not what you think it is. I promise. There's no way, unless you know the exact thing I'm talking about, that you know what allegedly happened in this scandal.)

@d-r-e-a-m-s-e-q-u-e-n-c-e group

MatPat mentioned an interesting one in his Film Theory video about the horror YouTube channel Local 58: People believe that the first astronauts that landed on the moon saw aliens while they were there.

To quote from the video:
"After the Apollo 11 lunar module landed with Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin inside, there were a few minutes of silence between them and Mission Control back in Houston. This is just a true fact of what happened that day, but some people claim that in the period of silence you can hear a discussion between Armstrong and Aldrin on their private medical channels about extraterrestrial objects. As a result, they rush to complete their mission, planting research mirrors on the moon, and then quickly hightail it out of there."

However, this is, in his opinion, highly unlikely.