forum conspiracy theories
Started by @InfinityCry*

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Dan Schneider was fired from Nickelodeon because he put foot fetish material in all his shows

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Operation Northwoods. Look it up. It's one conspiracy theory that turned out to be true.

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Operation Northwoods. Look it up. It's one conspiracy theory that turned out to be true.

DANG that's… horrible…

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Oh you bet your ass, it's freaking twisted is what it is.

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Agreed. Aliens gotta be real fasholy. Do the math nonbelievers, we've explored a glass of water out of the ocean that is our universe. We haven't even got any clue as to what secrets our own arm in the Milky Way galaxy is holding. There is almost definitely living things on other planets. I don't believe that most of them are sentient, or humanoid, and probably almost all of extraterrestrial life is bacterial and/or vegetative (like most of Earth life), but seriously, anyone who doesn't believe in aliens should do the math at least.


yeah, i definitely believe in aliens. i mean, a huge galaxy, oh sorry, A LOT OF HUGE GALAXIES and we are the only life? i think not. And yeah, we have only explored about 3 percent of our waters, maybe a fricking Megalodon is still alive!? (i mean, i kinda doubt that)

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What if the reason why we haven't found any real aliens is that the aliens are scared of humans?
X-Files theme plays in the distance