I have to use python to design a number guessing game for 2 players. The number has to be between 1 and 10. Basically, whichever player has the closest number to the randomized or "secret number" wins. I don't know how you code the part where the programs determines which player wins and if both players are tied.
rock paper scissors mini game with inside the game you want to deside the winner
You probably want to take both players' guessed numbers and compare them to see which is closer to the secret number. You can just use subtraction (and take the absolute value of the result, to remove the negative) to see who's closer, and whichever one is closer is the winner (or, if they're both the same distance away, it's a tie). :)
(Also, I'm gonna move this over to General Chat since the Worldbuilding Technology board is more for creating fictional technologies)