forum Compliment the User Above (Forum Game)
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

people_alt 1 follower


All you have to do is compliment the user that posted before you. You may not have a lot to go on, but be creative, and make the other person smile.
You may post again after 2 people post, this is to avoid people getting
ninja'd which is sometimes annoying even to me.

You may reply to people who complimented you but please
make sure you first compliment the user above you or this will
mess up the whole game!

Person 1: You are very creative. All of your characters have in-depth descriptions.

Person 2: You are a really good artist!

Person 3; I love your avatar so much!

Person 4:You're really nice. I love seeing you around!

Be honest.
If you need something to go by, look at the person's characters, character art, username, or even other posts by that person.