forum Compliment the person above you! [GAME]
Started by @actual-fandom-trash

people_alt 7 followers

Deleted user

I don't know you that well but you seem like a great person

Deleted user

@"actual.fandom.trash" With you around, the world is a much better place! Keep spreading positivity. Sometimes it goes unappreciated, but there are always people who look forward to it. (:


@actual.fandom.trash I've seen you around the server do so much to help the place out and spread positive thoughts and I think it's amazing.

@Becfromthedead group

From what I’ve seen, you have a lot of consideration for others, and you are generally just a good person (which sometimes you don’t give yourself enough credit for)


Hey Bec! I think you're an absolutely amazing person. And I agree I don't give myself much credit for a lot of things but I'm getting better at doing it and this site and the people on this site is part of the reason why.