forum Compliment the person above you! (Forum Game!)
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

people_alt 6 followers



For some reason, I'm not the best at distinguishing people… Like, I couldn't see a post and say, "Oh, blahblahblah said that!" But with you, I can instantly tell that it's you because of your amazing encouragement skills, and you never put people down or get into arguments.


(Me, calm? Ahahahahaha. No, I am not calm. Not at all)
You are an awesome person, Connie, and you are very interesting

Deleted user

Honestly i have no idea of who you are because of your username… But you're awesome too! I wish i knew you enough to tell who you are!

Deleted user

Honestly i have no idea of who you are because of your username… But you're awesome too! I wish i knew you enough to tell who you are!

That's Dusk…

Thank you sorry i didnt know!

Deleted user

Sam, you just have this… aura about you. You seem to grace the chats with elegance and grace.