forum Coming Out Stories
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Deleted user

Hey y'all, it's your local GSA president.
For our first actual meeting, I'm going to share some coming out stories and I was hoping y'all would let me share some of yours?


Well mine was unplanned, because my mom found a letter I had written to my dad about how much I wanted to come out to him without sending it, but she read it. I then came out to my dad while we were walking my dog, and he literally just thanked me for trusting him and it was a really sweet, really ideal moment.


My parents went b a l l i s t i c. My dad said I was mentally ill and that i'd go straight to hell and my mom even threatened to kick me out if I didn't "fix" myself.

Deleted user

i named my bike Patrick and told my mum i was going to ride Patrick. she freaked then i told her i'm gay and my bike is Patrick. she got me pride socks and a rainbow necklace
my dad kicked me out.

Deleted user

Alrighty! Thank you all, I'll be using those stories in my lesson today with different names, just in case.

@The-Magician group

When I was 12/13 I sat my mum down, in front of my best friend, and said that I wanted to tell her something. When she asked what I wanted to tell her, I told her I'm bisexual. She said, and I quote, "Okay."
When I was 15/16 I thought I was trans, and because I couldn't tell my mum face to face, I called her on the phone. She said "I don't know what to think of this right now, we'll talk more about it later." (Needless to say, we didn't.)