forum Come Together and Connect (Any Topic Is Fair Game)

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@Elder-God-Whisper work

Call. There's no need to feel like you're being overprotective. If you're worried, tell him. He's your bf, and I bet when you call, he's going to be relieved. Or at the very least, appreciative that you called to check in on him.

If he doesn't show up again, I'll try to call tonight.

Deleted user

Congrats to snow! I haven't seen snow in three years thanks to the world's new seasonal crisis, so I'd bet it's something special!!

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Okay, so have any of you wanted something so bad, that it physically hurts, amd it makes you feel sick when someone else is given it, without working for it? Believe me, I have worked my ass off trying to get to Nationals for a rifle competition, trying to make my coach happy, and I have had the highest scores, and here I am, a junior, getting passed up for a freshman, all because I play a sport, and because rifle isn't a "priority". Listen. I try to balance a job, a social life, sports, rifle, homework, family and friends, sleep, and problems, and now he tells me that I can't go because I want to play a sport. I have problems beyond what most people can understand, I'm always happy, and I try to be the light for others, but it's so hard when you don't want to or you don't feel like you're shining. Priorities are for people who have time. I never have enough time. I'm struggling to stay afloat, just for the sake of other people. I'm just a bridge, and people walk over me, when I'm the only thing that helps them. What's gonna happen when the bridge decides to fall? Who's gonna be around to help you then? Not me. I'm gonna be at the bottom of a ravine, broken and shattered far beyond what someone can fix. I'm not gonna die, but I think it's time for me to finally turn my back on the world that had its back turned on me. Here, I'll try to stay the way I've always been. But in real life, I can't afford to be kind to a world that's never going to love me back, unless I have money and fame. There's still hope for certain people. If you're kind to me, it will all be repaid beyond measure. If kindness isn't what's offered, don't expect me to stop. I no longer have time. Notebook is a haven for me. A place to be myself. I can no longer be who I really am, in a real world. It's just me, versus people who couldn't have cared less…