forum Come One, Come All
Started by @Brooklyn_Is_Here

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I thought that it would be nice to have a chat where new users or just people who took a break from a site can come and chat and catch up with the community!

@saor_illust school

hey, i'm neither of those, but could i pop on in? i could really use a distraction from well, the current stuff that's happening in a certain thread, which i will not mention but yeah, it's kinda stressing me out and a distraction would be nice :)


(So. I’ve been here for like, a year, but I only recently found out this part of the site existed. So now I have all these role plays I’m apart of and stuff. And it’s like, woah. And plus the world kinda sucks rn)


Yeah, it does suck, but there is a chance that everything will get better! Also, I get you, there was this one time I was in 25 rps at one time, and lemme tell you, that was exhausting.

@saor_illust school

aha, nvm, just popping in to let yall know that instead i'll be taking a vv smol break from nb and will be available only through discord, and if you don't have it, you can ask ella or lee or mojack or coral or whatever to pass a message to me or smth, i'll be back in a few hours or so


Ooh so I watched Hamilton on Disney+, and it made me tear up. And the songs. The songs. My goodness. I’ve heard some of them before but wow. Anyway, I thought that would be cool to talk about as a little distraction.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Hello! I don't do much in discussions apart from roleplay, but I'm really bored right now. And… I heard Hamilton. I haven't seen in yet– we're having a watch party tomorrow– but I can't wait.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

I totally agree. Those songs are just… beautiful. Lovely. And I agree. It won't be seeing it in person– which we were supposed to do before this whole pandemic started– but it will still be fantastic.

@saor_illust school

hey hey, i'm back!!
and thank you, brooklyn. yea i'm feeling better and uh,
ngl ive heard a few songs from hamilton and am not a big fan of them,
so probably won't go see the musical anytime in the future either

Deleted user

Hey. I'm just gonna pop in here. I haven't watched Hamilton yet, but I'm excited. I've never seen it before. I've heard most of the songs though. Probably gonna watch it tonight.