forum Come Judge This Art Competition!
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 3 followers


Why don't we just redirect everyone to the original "Art Competion" discussion page instead of making people resubmit their art. Here's the link:

All judges can look through the current submissions and based on the judging criteria, put their vote in the comments.


This is so the artists that aren't responding to the new pages won't be left out, just as long as they posted on the original page where they should have.


OR I could literally just post all the links of the art here and credit the artists by username??? How do you guys want to do this?

Deleted user

I think the link would be more efficient. I could put them in here later, if you want.

Deleted user

I'm not sure, I think so. I honestly just did it for fun and in hopes that people might appreciate my art


There will technically be a "winner", but no prize. Bragging rights, maybe. But everyone did so well that we all deserve to brag a little.

Deleted user

I wouldn't brag because I would feel too bad. Honestly everybody is a winner in this I feel like lol


Less of bragging, more of being proud of oneself while simultaneously supporting other artists, but still promoting oneself.


I wish I had joined the competition but I was busy with doing requests for people on this site. I saw the post and decided to follow it just to check out other artists here. This has become my favorite website haha

Deleted user

Same, lol. I can make another competition thread if you want :D


Not sure if I'd be able to join that either, I'm starting a project that'll be my priority for the next 2 months.

Deleted user

Remind me to check it out later, I'm at school and DeviantArt is blocked lol


Thanks! I think we are voting on what the best piece is based on the criteria which were like the theme of water, at least 2 different mediums, and had to have a type of foot in the image. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

Deleted user

Yeah I'm pretty sure that's it. I don't think anybody has judged yet though lol


I'll start! I vote for this one
It had a foot (print), 2 different mediums which were used properly to create their significant style and concept. It looks clean but also isn't. There's a lot of background space but because of the overlaying watercolors that didn't stay within the lines, it is filled in. The color theme is carried out perfectly with the various tones of purple and blue, when I think "water" I think of cold colors. I'll say that the other 2 pieces were very good but the overall image was too "stiff", they were too clean and confined within the lines. The theme of water goes beyond the basic image, but the style. Within the piece I'm voting for, the lines are smooth, wavy, and flow like water. And even further, the colors are the same way. The strokes are visible, they flow, overlap, giving the idea that everything is in motion. The only problem I see is the foot print, being a key point in theme I wouldn't have put it in the middle of the image. The idea is unclear when it is in plain sight, it makes me ask why there is a random foot on her. But I'm not as cruel as professional art judges so I'll accept it because I too do the same thing in art competitions.

Deleted user

Thanks :D Also I honestly didn't know what to do for the foot I threw it in there last minute lmao

Deleted user

I'm sorry, but it doesn't seem to meet the criteria…