forum Come here to have Shuri tell you the good things about you...
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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We're gonna do this one at a time… If one person asks, everyone stay silent until I finish with that person… If two people ask, the one who asked last deletes theirs and will have to wait…

Sorry about the rigidity here, but I like to be organized sometimes…


Yes… You're a great source of conversation, and you have great taste… You're a fair judge with a lot of sense, and you are certainly very cool, coming from someone who is also considered cool! I could spend hours talking with you Flwkie, and I'm sad that we rarely talk…


Yes… You're a great source of conversation, and you have great taste… You're a fair judge with a lot of sense, and you are certainly very cool, coming from someone who is also considered cool! I could spend hours talking with you Flwkie, and I'm sad that we rarely talk…

Aww thanks Shuri, you’re way cooler, and it would be nice talking more.


Emi, you're truly a good mother-figure to this site… You're fun, patient, and caring, but you take no bullshit and I respect that… I love your writing style, and if I find you in real life I will constrict you in a hug… You've got grit, and determination, and you're usually very altruistic…


Euric… You exude an air of authority and competence that is certainly very rare… You seem to be both pragmatic and imaginative, and you're a pretty decent person in your own right! Stay awesome…


Euric… You exude an air of authority and competence that is certainly very rare… You seem to be both pragmatic and imaginative, and you're a pretty decent person in your own right! Stay awesome…

I… did not expect that. Thank you, Shuri.


Red, you're… Well you're amazing… You have so much on your shoulders and yet you still reach out to others… You're everyone's favorite cinnamon roll, and you're so kind and funny… I just know that you're going to do so many great things… You're so precious to me that it hurts… I will protecc you with my life… And I'll be down there in a couple years to give you all the hugs thwt I can't give you here…


Red, you're… Well you're amazing… You have so much on your shoulders and yet you still reach out to others… You're everyone's favorite cinnamon roll, and you're so kind and funny… I just know that you're going to do so many great things… You're so precious to me that it hurts… I will protecc you with my life… And I'll be down there in a couple years to give you all the hugs thwt I can't give you here…

I'm saving this so on really bad days I can just pull this up to try and cheer myself up… thank you, Shuri! I swear you're a godsend, because you're honestly the best…