forum Come gush about your favorite thing in your universes
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 37 followers

Deleted user

Come and just passionately vent about the favorite things you've made or fleshed out in your universe!

Deleted user

So my main project, TUO, goes three books for one generation, an intercepting book to transfer the genre and feel, and three more books for a second generation.
And the second generation… It's so good.
It takes on a more sci-fi/cyberpunk dystopian feel. The characters are so fleshed out just…. it's great. I love it. The cast is diverse as fuck, more linking everything together. It's perfection.

@andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

One of my favorite things is that the major landmass most of my characters is on is actually a wounded dragon that has been sleeping there for thousands of years… which also happens to be the dragon that planted life on the world originally (and was wounded by the dragon that made the world itself, for "ruining" its purity).

Not sure how I'm gonna get around the whole "if you wake up this dragon it kills everyone living on it" thing, but I'm excited to eventually wake it up and send it off to space to start planting life on other worlds again like it used to do for centuries.