forum Collecting Writer's Resources
Started by Rebecca Ballou

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Rebecca Ballou

This site has helped out in organizing a cacophony of characters, plots, creatures, ect. And it's incredibly full-filling to get it down in an organized format. So, what are some other resources that we writers use to fuel our hearts content of the beautiful worlds to share? Please note: I'm not collecting sites where stories are written, published ect, nor am I collected sites/blogs ect of best practices in writing (How to write a fight scene ect…) I'm looking for sites that help the writer with the pre-writing process. I will start us off with a few I've found helpful, but ANYTHING to do with organizing your worlds, please let the rest of us know!

NAMES - does more than just names. Helps with Slogans, Weapon names, and has a widely large amount of options: From hacker names to, lovecraftian names, to Realm names and creature names. You need a name for ANYTHING… they will probably have a category for it.

CREATOR -ISH -THINGS - their sister site, a lot of it is related to DnD, but their map creators, and castle creators, and armor creators and a whole lot more, helps a lot to invision. I spend hours on these sites!

@Mercury Beta Tester

Names: Here's a full list I made of character name generators, in the Tutorial section (like, check that out, it's specifically for sharing resources…).

The legendary masterpost on how to organise your worldbuilding (If you prefer offline, then I reccomend OneNote as its level of possible organisation - sections and section groups - currently surpasses that of

Worldbuilding subreddits on Reddit (May have some interesting guidance for you, while seeing what other people's work is like)


There's also a beta reading website for novels. It has a system that makes it so that you can't get beta reads without beta reading other people's works first, that way you are almost guaranteed to get feedback on your stories. You also get something called a spotlight when you first join the website and when you publish something. That way, people are more likely to see your stories and you get quick feedback. I forgot what it's called, but if anyone is interested I can find it and link it here.

@Mercury Beta Tester

Interested. Is it FictionPress by any chance? Does it have to be full blown novels, because that seems rather long?


No, it's not FictionPress. And it doesn't have to be full blown novels, it only has to be whatever the user has uploaded (I've noticed that uploads average at about 3,000-5,000 words, although it could be different now, I haven't used it in a while). It's called Scribophile, by the way.