forum Clone Wars Anyone?
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 3 followers

@HighPockets group

Who’s your favorite character and who’s your least favorite?
My favorite is Ahsoka, and my least favorite is Prime Minister Almec. I know he’s not the most malicious villain, but he tried to kill four kids, and was willing to electrocute a 14 year old boy so he could get information.


Hmmm. That's a tough one. Obi-Wan is an obvious fav, and they really improved Anikam's character, and then there's the clones, and Ahsoka, and CADE BANE. Definitely agree with you on Almec though.

Jack Bharucha

This show greatly improved the prequels. Rebels didn't hold a candle I'm sorry. I really liked all the colors on the cone trooper armor. It made the world feel so big and the units and individual clones unique. It kind of ruined my childhood when I realized it was probably a ploy by lucasfilms to sell action figures.

@HighPockets group

I love Rebels a bit more because it has less filler episodes and it focuses more on a small group of characters, whereas in CW there are episodes that are all over the place.

@HighPockets group

I cosplay Jyn Erso, mostly, but I’m thinking of doing Qi’ra sometime. I sometimes do Rey, too. For Halloween I went as Hux, and last year I went as Barriss.

Deleted user

Random Clone War question, but does anyone ship Rexsoka?

Deleted user

Just don't make fun of me for this because most people do.

@HighPockets group

Rexsoka is fine, but I personally ship Barrissoka. I hate how much people hate Luxoka though. I mean, it was cute, but it’s not my favorite, you know?