@Story_Siren group
@StarryWolfy Hello! Thank you so much for your advice earlier. I wanted to ask for some clarification on some specific points if that's at all possible.
@StarryWolfy Hello! Thank you so much for your advice earlier. I wanted to ask for some clarification on some specific points if that's at all possible.
Sure! Could you be more specific please?
Like, what sorts of clarification did you want?
No problem! And thank you very much for your quick response, I really appreciate it!
First, tysm for the forum username advice! Second, I apologize if I sound stupid asking this, but who's Nyx? I don't remember roleplaying or talking with someone by that name. Again, tysm for helping me out!
Oh, I can help with this one! Nyx is one of the moderators for Notebooks, they just wanna help especially with new users
Hi, sorry to barge in, fellow old person of Notebook and Star's friend
Yes! Nyx is also a wonderful human in general, as I've said they've been around FOREVER and are super nice. And they're not the only person around that would be happy to help you out with stuff if you have questions. I strongly recommend poking around various forums, especially those asking site related questions to see who is answering the most. Those will be the people to look up to. Though obviously, do respect people's boundaries, (and btw thank you for respecting mine and simply tagging me in the forums rather than DMing me!)
Hi, sorry to barge in, fellow old person of Notebook and Star's friend
Also yes! <3
Okay, do you know how I may contact Nyx? I'm extremely curious on how you heard that they were helping me. And I think I'll keep my poking around to a minimum now that I've 'woke the beasts, and nobody is pleased' apparently.
Okay, first, don't talk about Whisper like that. You were told multiple times by multiple people to stop poking your nose where it didn't belong and didn't listen so someone had to get aggressive.
Second, we talk to Nyx off Notebook and they told us they were trying to help. You can probably DM them to get in contact if you so wish.
As whisper said previously, a lot of the old threads you were posting in belonged to people who have long since moved on from the site. I myself haven't been on this much since 3 years ago.
As for nyx helping, as I said, I heard that second hand through the grapevine outside of the forums here on the site. If you want to reach out to them you can try the same method you got ahold of me with or maybe tag them here?
As for poking around, feel free to do so. Just be respectful of dead threads and don't revive ones that have clearly been abandoned. Especially to advertise other role plays. I know it may not be obvious, but bumping old threads that you weren't originally a part of, and doing so to ask people to join another thread, is a huge faux pas.
And please don't take this the wrong way, I at least don't think you meant any harm. But there are others less willing to give you the benefit of a doubt. Genuinely I hope you can find a community here on the site just like so many others have. But at the same time there are many unspoken rules of etiquette that need to be followed.
Okay, first, don't talk about Whisper like that. You were told multiple times by multiple people to stop poking your nose where it didn't belong and didn't listen so someone had to get aggressive.
Second, we talk to Nyx off Notebook and they told us they were trying to help. You can probably DM them to get in contact if you so wish.
Agreed. Whisper and many of the others that have already spoken to you were here 5+ years ago and regularly active. I know your account is also that old, but nobody recognizes your name so no one is going to see you as one of the OG notebookian generation.
definitely didn't read the nice things you guys said about me 😭 also hello lol
Hi Nyx!!
Hey guys!
My senses told me I was needed?
I think so? Luna (story siren) was bumping a bunch of ancient threads, and managed to hit one of whisper's (Modern Day oxo I think) so Whisper came up to tell them to stop.
Me, I remember being new on this site too so I really don't think any harm was intended. I thought things were worked out from there since Luna seemed to have the threads they were asking people to join up and running but I was tagged here cause apparently things weren't clear enough?
At this point I'm not entirely sure anymore tbh.
Also I came out of the wood works cause Whisper is a close friend of mine and they asked me to help..?
think so? Luna (story siren) was bumping a bunch of ancient threads, and managed to hit one of whisper's (Modern Day oxo I think) so Whisper came up to tell them to stop.
Yes I'm aware of that but I had thought that was over is it not still?
I think it is, after that last thread they bumped (whisper's).
Overall I think things are back on track? I've got no issues so I guess talk to Luna?
Well as long as everything is good then I have no issues lol
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