forum Choose Your Own Adventure (A Forum Game) (Closed, 4/4 participating.)
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 3 followers

Deleted user

Your choice must be a consensus. Everyone has to agree, if nobody agrees on which answer to pick then either Majority Rules or Eenie Meenie Miney Moe.
Ask to participate before you answer. I don't want a huge group, that just makes things complicated.
Have fun!

First question:
You find a corpse that has been murdered only five minutes ago on the side of a country road. You are a detective, what do you do?
A, call the cops.
B, leave it.
C, investigate on your own.
D, call your mum and ask her where you hide a dead body.

Deleted user

Sorry for popping in, I just noticed this. It sounds super cool! Could I join?

Deleted user

^D^ Thanks! I could grab a couple of friends if you want people to join.

Deleted user


Call your mom and ask her how to hide a dead body.

Your mother laughs and says she hopes you're joking but from her tone of voice you can tell she isn't taking you seriously. She hangs up.

Choose another option.

Deleted user

^D^ Thanks! I could grab a couple of friends if you want people to join.

Sure! That would be lovely!

Deleted user


Investigate it on your own, thinking your mother wouldn't be of any use to you anyway.

Deleted user

You decide to walk further down the road. In the distance, you see a small town and decide to check it out. You walk into a bar and order a glass of whiskey to pass unnoticed, but the barkeep asks you who they are, stating that they know everyone in town yet they don't know you. You reply:
A, "…."
B, "I'm investigating a murder."
C, "Oh, just passing through."
D, "Hands up and give me all your money if you want to live." holds out finger guns
E, "None of your business."

Deleted user


Why do they need to know?

(Hope you don't mind me putting thoughts)

Deleted user

(I don't mind at all!)
Answer: A

"Well, sonny boy, I won't pry." the barkeep says, "But if you ever want to talk, I'm not going anywhere."

What do you say/do?:
A, "Erm…. I'm a girl. The short hair can throw people off, though, no harm done."
B, Question him about any recent arrivals or suspicious activity.
C, Leave and investigate elsewhere.
D, "So…. that economy, huh?"

Deleted user


"So… that economy, huh?"
Little did he know, I'm a woman wearing a hat. Hehehehehe…

Deleted user


"So… that economy, huh?"
Little did he know, I'm a woman wearing a hat. Hehehehehe…

Answer: D

"Yeah, business is going down every day. People are to scared to make much noise, or even leave their houses. Anyone who looks into it ends up dead." the barkeep said. "And I didn't tell you any of that, mind you."

A, "I'll keep your secrets."
B, Leave and investigate further.

(Now everyone has to choose an option since more have joined. You can only choose one, and everyone has to agree.)

Deleted user

Answer: A

"What secrets? I ain't got no secrets." the barkeep says. "Stop it, Josh. They're just asking a few questions." a woman says. "Listen Sarah, I'm paying you to work, not for your opinion." the barkeep says. Sarah sighs and starts to wipe off counters.

A, ask Sarah about any recent murders.
B, Leave.
C, ask the barkeep (Joshua) why he's so afraid