forum Chicken VS Humans, who is superior?
Started by @Euric_Knight

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For everyone who never asked, I believe Chickens are far superior to humans. I have created this to discuss the reasons we should be afraid of their genius.


My first reason is that we have fed chickens, taken care of them, until we eventually eat them or they die. But the next generation always has far more chickens than the previous. They have even endeared themselves to many, who protest their slaughter and love them, even keeping them as pets.


My second reason is that these ladies have made themselves far more widespread than roosters, some people saying that they have one rooster for every twelve chickens, and sometimes people don't own roosters at all, just chickens. The only use roosters seem to have in human's lives is so there can be more chickens. Essentially, chickens have made themselves the modern Amazons of the world.


Chickens, other fowl, and some lizards need to swallow stones to aid in digestion, whereas humans can digest pretty much everything as long as they didn't have allergies to certain foods.

We have teeth to both tear and chew our food.

We can pass gas regularly and not have to worry about rupturing our digestive systems.

I'm not saying we're superior, but we've got some pretty sweet things going for us humans.


True, humans do have some very well made facets, but you must understand that humans are each meant to be there for many many years whereas chickens live and die quickly but every time a chicken dies, more chickens replace it. The chickens, as well as Amazons, could also be compared to a Hydra.


There are far more chickens than humans. There are 19 billion chickens in the world, according to the US. For every human in the world there is about 2.5 chickens.


I'm sure most of us could take out at least three, I myself can take down far more…

And call me when a chicken gets to the moon without our help.

Or when it invents penicillin.

We're far, far smarter, exist on a higher level of semtience, are bigger, and we regularly eat them.

Comparing them to us is like comparing us to super-intelligent, giant gods with vehicles that travel faster thsn lightning and weapons of mass destruction, who eat us and breed us, and control a good deal of our species.


Technically, we didn't "invent" penicillin. It was a fungus that was discovered and repurposed for mass medical use.

@Rvan group

True, but chickens didn’t invent the concept of zero, which was crazy at the time it was made and helped with infinite equations and records.

Deleted user

Obviously Chickens, not only are they superior in speed and insurance, they are much smarter and stronger!

Deleted user

Probably Seagulls. They are so vicious around food they are like, “GIMME DAT FOOD YOU FILTHY HUMANS!”