forum Cheer me up, please...
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

people_alt 10 followers


We can still show you how much we love, care, and appreciate you! Problems or no, that fact still remains. I made a Shuri Appreciation Thread for a reason, ya know, and I'll gladly do it again.


That's fine… I didn't say you couldn't care about me, in fact having people you care about in life is good… But if you're going to help someone, help someone who actually needs it…


NOPE. There are so many of us who you have helped out now could you please just let us do this for you we know there are people with bigger problems and I ant saying that I don't care about them but there are so many of us on here that others can take care of that for now and I will to. Just as soon as you get it through your thick skull (not in a mean way) that I (and others) are here for you right now at this moment in time I (and others) am here for YOU


Thanks, Lowen, but it's not right to deny people who suffer more than me the comfort they deserve…

That's basically saying the same thing as "I shouldn't eat because there are children starving in Africa."


And I'm not denying them nobody is there just talking to other people that aren't me other people who could help them just as much as I could maybe even more and as they talk to others who are helping them that gives me time to focus on you and your problems. Its not that I'm denying them anything it just that they are not coming to me to talk there going to others and like i keep repeating that gives me time to help you.


Thanks, Lowen, but it's not right to deny people who suffer more than me the comfort they deserve…

That's basically saying the same thing as "I shouldn't eat because there are children starving in Africa."

That's not what I'm saying… I'm saying "I should only eat what I NEED so that more food goes to people who need it…" Totally different ball game… And get what… I have what I need now… So it's fine…


And I'm not denying them nobody is there just talking to other people that aren't me other people who could help them just as much as I could maybe even more and as they talk to others who are helping them that gives me time to focus on you and your problems. Its not that I'm denying them anything it just that they are not coming to me to talk there going to others and like i keep repeating that gives me time to help you.

One extra person could make their day, Lowen…


Thanks, Lowen, but it's not right to deny people who suffer more than me the comfort they deserve…

Shuri, everyone needs to be cared for and comforted. Just because there are people out there who might be in more pain, or experiencing a different kind of pain, doesn't mean that your problems are invalid.


Thanks, Lowen, but it's not right to deny people who suffer more than me the comfort they deserve…

Shuri, everyone needs to be cared for and comforted. Just because there are people out there who might be in more pain, or experiencing a different kind of pain, doesn't mean that your problems are invalid.

I know… That's why I made this thread… But it isn't of much use anymore… Although I definitely thank all of you foe everything…

