forum Chat with me, introduce new characters, etc
Started by @Jasper

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Egg: a multi-movetmembra, who is a solo entity residing in uncommon grey-areas of reality. He resembled a humanoid figure- as he has a head, 2 legs, and 2 arms- but he is completely white, and his skin has the complexion of soft egg-like, rubber. (Not to mention his head is large)

In fact, his head is so large, that his neck is unable to withstand the weight, and he must do the following to see:

One: crouch
Two: thrust his shoulders back
Three: move his hands and wrist back even further.

In the end, he is posed much like a crab. Just more terrifying.

He has two round-shaped eyes, no nose, and a large chasm under his chin for a mouth. He often foams and stumbles around, looking for love.

He is single and ready to mingle


Egg also makes shrill shrieking noises, much like those off of Jurassic Park- doesn't matter the emotion (he only has 3), he makes the noise.

Just to seal the deal