forum Chat with all the ghosts!

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Does it hurt to die? Kirk won't tell me and Maggie doesn't like talking about death.


Lucky, my ghost doesn't even talk to me. I don't know her name but she's dressed like it's the 1920's and usually sits in the chair I have across from the end of my bed. Also sometimes I hear tapping like fingernails on wood at my bedroom door but I'm not sure what that is.

@Chameleon the Slytherpuff and Slitherpuff

I know about your ghosts. I talk with Markus and Whisper too. I guess it really depends on how you die. Lucielle (one of my ghosts) said it hurt when she died, and she was killed by an ax to the head. But Cheerful Caitlynn says she didn't feel anything and her throat was slit. Joneathan, can you specify what you mean by "She doesn't talk to you? Have you asked her anything? Maybe she's mute?


I've asked her for her name and just sometimes say hello, but she always just sits there and smiles. I don't think she's bad, nothing wrong has happened.

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Actually, I have a lot of ghosts around but only Maggie and Kirk talk to me.

@Chameleon the Slytherpuff and Slitherpuff

All the ghosts I meet talk to me. Not to be rude, but maybe the ghost that won't talk is………you know (A retard?) PEEVES! We can say things nicer here. (Hey, you were struggling and it needed to be said.) Or maybe she's just shy.


she has a brown long sleeved dress and short black curly hair. She also has little black gloves and a small brown leather lookingish handbag with no strap. I know she's short because one time I saw her walking around. For some reason she is also always barefoot.

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Maggie here! The living person who normally use this computer has officially let me chat with y'all! (Maggie you're getting overexcited)

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Lucille? Lucille, the same Lucille who murdered me? (Holy cow Mags you're a murder victim???)

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KIRKKKKK IS HEREEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! (Wtf? Kirk it's Maggie's turn.)

@Chameleon the Slytherpuff and Slitherpuff

I feel like Kirk, Peeves, and Markus would get along if they met each other in real life. I finally got Lucille to calm down. Maggie, I don't think she was the one that killed you. She's only thirteen. Also, weird fact, I used to have a dog named Maggie. She died, but she still runs around the house a lot.

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It's fine, the Lucille who killed me was my sister so…. (Maggie srsly you don't talk to me but you share your life story with strangers?)


ok so I think she was deaf when she was alive or something? Idk. I asked her if her name was Samantha and she didn't respond so I just thought, "Why don't I just use sign language?" I've never used ASL to her before and I just sloppily signed Samantha to her and she shook her head no. This is the only time she's ever responded.