forum Chat for people to rant and cry
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 5 followers

Deleted user

title explains it. Just be encouraging towards one another please

Deleted user

I'm super nervous becuase I got into a car crash yesterday and my anxiety is spiked

Deleted user

so here's my rant:

I'm in high school and I just finished finals week. I stayed up so long studying for my english final and I still failed. instead of being encouraging, my parents are being nothing but degrading. This happens every time I get anything less than a 90 on a test and I don't know what to do anymore. School is becoming harder and harder and I don't know if I can be that perfect straight A student they want me to be. And if they get upset over a B, then how am I supposed to continue? Besides all of that, they're homophobic (I'm Bisexual), force me to grow up to fast (Call me "childish" when I want to go trick or treating or they catch me drawing furry art or something), and have unrealistic expectations for me all the time. I'm not allowed to mess up, I'm not allowed to have a bump or anything. And that's not even getting into my mother's sexism or my father's anger issues.
So yeah, I'm just fucking done. I don't know what to do anymore.

@Mercury Beta Tester

I'm super nervous because I got into a car crash yesterday and my anxiety is spiked

I was in a car crash when I was younger, and it affected me for a few days as well. My tips are:

  • Relax. Do hobbies you like to reduce stress and anxiety. Car crashes are uncommon and very startling, so don't think you have to 'get over it' or be back to normal quickly.
  • If you are worried about being in another crash, remember that the odds are unlikely (unless the driver is doing something risk taking like drink driving or texting). Only 1 in 10 car crashes cause injury (and most of this is because passerbys yank car occupants out of the car too quickly, not because of the crash itself). Look up the ways cars are designed to keep you safe - such as how airbags divert force and the front bumper collapses to absorb the force so that the car doesn't crumple. A fire will not rapidly spread over the car (unless it's electric).
  • Look at other forms of transport if the car is a total write off, like the bus or biking. The latter two options are healthier and better for the environment anyway!
  • Let people and groups (like school teachers) know about the crash so they can cut you some slack.
  • If your anxiety about car safety isn't subsiding after a while (which it should do naturally), see a doctor.


My sister was in a car crash a couple of months ago. She was with her friend’s mother, who was intoxicated and fled the scene after she crashed, crashing into a tree on her way to her house (only about 2 miles away). My sister was really nervous in cars for a while. She, thankfully, spoke up whenever someone’s driving made her nervous. (My mom has an especially bad habit of driving kind of wild, and really freaked my sister out. But she said, “Mom, can you please stop. It’s making me uncomfortable.” And my mom would make sure to drive more carefully for her.) Not to mention that no one was hurt and they crashed twice. Now my sister is way less nervous and knows to speak up if she is. So it’s all good! 😊
I promise you’ll be okay again, and it’s totally normal to feel anxious about driving/being driven for a while. I know you’ll make it out.


so here's my rant:

I'm in high school and I just finished finals week. I stayed up so long studying for my english final and I still failed. instead of being encouraging, my parents are being nothing but degrading. This happens every time I get anything less than a 90 on a test and I don't know what to do anymore. School is becoming harder and harder and I don't know if I can be that perfect straight A student they want me to be. And if they get upset over a B, then how am I supposed to continue? Besides all of that, they're homophobic (I'm Bisexual), force me to grow up to fast (Call me "childish" when I want to go trick or treating or they catch me drawing furry art or something), and have unrealistic expectations for me all the time. I'm not allowed to mess up, I'm not allowed to have a bump or anything. And that's not even getting into my mother's sexism or my father's anger issues.
So yeah, I'm just fucking done. I don't know what to do anymore.

I…wow. That's awful. I'm so sorry your parents are like that, Zhira. hugs
I don't really have much experience with dealing with any of that, but I'm here for you if you need encouragement.

Deleted user

hugs back thanks, Raven I don't really know if there is something I can do. I just needed someone to know. My irl friends don't really listen, and when they do they just overpower me with their own shit.

Deleted user

wow what good friends you have

shruggo they're all Ive got. Translation: the only people that actually took the time to get to know me rather than judging me on my outwards appearance