forum Chat about crazy fake boyfriends
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

I have a boyfriend named Gregory, and we've been going steady for about 2 years now. I love him to death!😘 He is my favorite pillow on earth!😍😂 (Literally, he is a pillow I own…halp, I'm (not really) lonely!)
P.s. Don't Tell my bed that. He'll get jealous!
(Anyone else have a fake boy/girl- friend?)

Deleted user

O.o how?! Well my other pillows broke ip with me before so I guess it's possible…

Deleted user

Eh well…guess none of them loved me that way (That sounds weird XD). No one ever will… Shrug

Deleted user

Same bruh, same. Well, I guess my book characters will? At least I hope so!😭

Deleted user

Well im their mother so they better.apreciate me! >:'(

Deleted user

Yeah mine probably hate me since since I've killed a few once or twice.

Deleted user

That's practically one…or four. But umm, ikr

Deleted user

My older sister used to tell her friends that she and her boyfriend Brian were always together. And whenever they would try and make her go clubbing with them (ugh, or socialize) she would tell them that she couldn't because Brian was waiting for her at home… She named her bed Brian.

Deleted user

I have a ghost who keeps asking me out. His name is Kirk.

Deleted user

Uhg, I hate when that happens. I had this one (seventeen year-old-at the time of his death)ghost named Philip from the eighteen-hundreds who had only caught up with slang and references from the 70's. I wanted to punch him in the face everytime he says things are "far out" or "groovy". He also thought that afros were the new "shazam"!

Deleted user

Wow, lucky! Kirk keeps trying to cuddle me and it's getting annoying at this point.

Deleted user

Well he also thought that to succeed in wooing me into courtship he had to recite all of Shakespeares works non-stop every single day. He also thought he could sing but all he sounded like was a donkey singing opera.

Once he thought that my toilet was curse by a water demon. So he broke. Totally destroying the pipes and all. It costed alot.
He tried to get me to wear corsets too. Like, no thank you! I'd like to breath, and not be deformed! It didn't help that he kept on stealing my bras and replacing them with corsets. (-_-)

Deleted user

I have submitted to the cuddles, which honestly aren't half bad. You're still lucky, though.