forum Chaos Club
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@Kie group

We could have flaming flowers in one eye socket, then the other one could have some kinda silhouettes, maybe

oOOo wait instead of like a liquid coming out of the mouth maybe we can do a distorted shadow of some kinda animal???

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Ok so, I was thinking instead of like,,, normal colored fire we do blue/cool colors?

Black flowers and normal fire in one eye, white flowers and blue fire in the other, maybe?

@Kie group

Ok so, I was thinking instead of like,,, normal colored fire we do blue/cool colors?

Black flowers and normal fire in one eye, white flowers and blue fire in the other, maybe?

I think normal and blue fire would clash too much. I'm personally for blue fire n black flowers in one eye and the other blank?

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Ok so, I was thinking instead of like,,, normal colored fire we do blue/cool colors?

Black flowers and normal fire in one eye, white flowers and blue fire in the other, maybe?

I think normal and blue fire would clash too much. I'm personally for blue fire n black flowers in one eye and the other blank?

The other one could be dripping with something, like it's crying

@Kie group

Ok so, I was thinking instead of like,,, normal colored fire we do blue/cool colors?

Black flowers and normal fire in one eye, white flowers and blue fire in the other, maybe?

I think normal and blue fire would clash too much. I'm personally for blue fire n black flowers in one eye and the other blank?

The other one could be dripping with something, like it's crying

Ooh yeah! That's a good idea.

Deleted user

This is going to be a pain in the ass to draw lol
I'm a cartoon artist, I don't do realisimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Tbh, I'm probably just gonna do a cartoon skull bathed in fire becuase that's as far as my art goes