forum Changing between alters, idk where to put this
Started by @Someone_Called_zap group

people_alt 52 followers

@Someone_Called_zap group

Ok so like idk where else to put this, but I'm creating a podcast, and later on there's going to be a character with D.I.D, what's some suggestions for showing through audio that the person has changed alters.
Thanks bro dawgs!


Ah look, DID is a very complicated disorder. Like really complicated. Everyone's switches are different and present differently. Some people can switch in seconds because they're co-con a lot of the time. For other it can take a few minutes as they dissociate and another alter comes to the front. DID isn't some mystical power and it's very hard to show how people switch, especially through just audio alone.

If you have a switch and the alter that is coming to the front is co-con, simply changing voices into the character might work. However again, this disorder is one of the most complicated and I am not a doctor, psychiatrist or anything of the sort. I do not have DID so I cannot tell you what audio will be best that won't offend people in the DID community. I'm just a simple girl who coincidentally is doing a research report on DID treatments.

Longer switches might just be the person fronting stating that they are switching, a moment of silence, and then the other alter appearing but it is very complicated and every switch is different to every system.

I don't have much else to say really aha, sorry I couldn't be much of a help but yeah, I might suggest talking to someone who has DID to get their perspective.