forum Cats Are Lovable A-holes!
Started by @SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

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When our overly-snuggly grey cat was a kitten, she was A: insane, and B: prone to want to leap from the great heights of our dresser top down onto faces and tummies while we were asleep. Owie.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Last night, Leo, my grey tabby, came inside to eat. I let him in and continue to watch TV. He has dry food that he needs to eat. He'll eat it, but not always. Leo goes and meows in front of dad's room for a bit until I call him. He comes to me, hops up into the chair, and gets down once I get up. We make our way to the kitchen where he proceeds to try tripping me while I get him his wet cat food. I gently nudge him out of the way, and he goes to the door to be let outside again.

@Mojack group

One of my cats, Mozart, is generally pretty good, but there’s also been a few times where he’s been bad. Some of the notable things he’s done:

  • Knocking things off of the table when he’s not getting attention. He’s done it in the vicinity of people while looking at them, so he’s more than likely aware of what he’s doing.
  • Pushes our other cat, Jackson, out of boxes.
  • Beelining into a room where he’s not supposed to be
  • Making a beeline for outside where he’s also not supposed to be
  • If he runs into my room and lays down when I try to pick him up, that makes it really hard for me to pick him up. He’s a big cat and tends to bite/swat at you if you try to pick him up when he doesn’t want to be. That’s his way of saying he wants to stay in the room…even though I do not want him to right at that moment.

Jackson also has a notable moment

  • Antagonizing Mozart when he’s trying to sleep


My little baby boy (We've had him for nine years he's still my baby), Thunder, has some bad habits but overall he's a pretty good cat. Some habits include:

-Waking my parents up at ungodly hours in the morning
-Biting at people's ankles for attention and for food
-Biting at the dog for again attention (Or mischief who knows?)
-Making a run for the outiside every time the front door gets opened (He's an indoor cat, but he never makes it far anyways)
-Purposefully trying to eat food he's allergic too such as the dog's food, any type of food that contains chicken/grain/fish (Listen I don't want to clean up the puke)
-Leaving hairballs on my bed
-Oh and being up on the countertop where he can lick sharp objects (We've only got him licking knives once though)

I also have a great story where since Thunder couldn't get to his litterbox, cause my dad closed the basement door, he ended up going up to my parents' room and peeing on my dad. Bad on the cat funny for the rest of us (minus my dad of course). There's another story but I'm not going to tell for my mother's sake.

@Starfast group

I have tons of stories of my cat Petrie being a total jerk.

  • This one time he was sitting on the kitchen table and I tried to gently push him off because he's not allowed on the kitchen table and he knows it. He stands up, walks over to the edge of the table (away from me) as if he's about to jump off. Instead of doing that though, he turns around, walks towards me, bites my wrist, then jumps off.
  • My sister and her husband got married almost 2 years ago. The day after the wedding, we had a bunch of people come over to our house for a party. The first people went to leave, and right on the doormat was a a mouse that Petrie killed. We joked about how it was his wedding gift, but seriously? Of all the times to leave a dead mouse on the doormat?!
  • This one time I was watching tv with my mom, and I had this scratchy wool blanket and my mom had this nice faux-fur blanket that Petrie really likes. I really wanted him to come and cuddle with me, but he went and sat on top of my mom (who's actually allergic to him). Later he got up and left and my mom and I switch blankets to see if he would come and cuddle with me. He came back a few minutes later, looked right at me and went back and fell asleep on my mom again.
  • One time my brother's friend was cat sitting for us while our family was away. She came in one day and saw that Petrie had knocked over a big container of cat treats and ate most of them.
  • Not really a story, but this is him at the vet:

Deleted user

(Following. Cause why not? I do not have a kitty myself though.)

@Starfast group

Leo: [Meowing loudly from outside to come back in.]

Me: [Lets him in.]

Leo: [Comes inside holding a mouse and lets it go.]

Me: [Sees this.] "You f<"(ing a@@hole!"

This reminded me of the time where Petrie brought us a bird that wasn't quite dead yet and let it go inside the house. We had really high ceilings in our front hall so we weren't able to get at it at all and my brother ended up calling animal control. Luckily, it got out before they showed up.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Leo: [Meowing loudly from outside to come back in.]

Me: [Lets him in.]

Leo: [Comes inside holding a mouse and lets it go.]

Me: [Sees this.] "You f<"(ing a@@hole!"

This reminded me of the time where Petrie brought us a bird that wasn't quite dead yet and let it go inside the house. We had really high ceilings in our front hall so we weren't able to get at it at all and my brother ended up calling animal control. Luckily, it got out before they showed up.

Luckily the mouse was dead, but still…. Lol

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Any time my cat would bring us dead mice we'd reward him with treats. :3 we assumed he was just bringing us gifts lol.

@larcenistarsonist group

My cats Sonto and Fiona are twins, both shorthair tabbies, but couldn't be more different…

Sonto is LOUD. He likes to stare at people, sit down, get all cozy, and scream at them for a solid minute. He does this to my dad a lot. If you reply like "Oh yeah buddy?" He'll start yelling at you again like he's telling a story. He's so weird. I love him. He's also eleven and a half pounds and likes to lay on people's groin areas. He also digs his claws into you if he's happy. If you pat your lap and go "come here Sonto" he will jump right on you and lay down. He also forgets that the girls in the house exist the second my dad gets home. He likes to lay on my dad the most.

Fiona is tiny. Itty bitty bean. She's four and a half pounds and likes to lay either A) in between your legs while you're sleeping or B) right on your pillow while you're trying to sleep. She is the queen of death glares and her looks actually hurt. She also likes to lay on hoodies I plan on wearing so they're covered in dark fur.