forum Cat ears wearers will survive the apocalypse!
Started by @yeetus

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I think, when the apocalypse comes, cat ears wearers will survive longer that non-cat ears wearers. This is because
a) Cat ears over an extra layer of protection, so if you were hit on the head with something, the cat ears might deflect it
b) Wearing cat ears means you love cats. Therefore cats will take you as one of them, and these sneaky creatures might just be the protection you need to survive the apocalypse
c) Wearing cat ears will give you a sense of purpose and hope. These traits are extremely important in times of apocalypse
d) Wearing cat ears might also allow to pass off as a giant cat and therefore sparing you from human-killing predators
e) Consistently wearing cat ears will make you used to weight on your head and therefore give you a stronger neck


Because this is a dare…
I always suggest mind-readers to get away from me because they might go mad from being in close vicinity to my brain