forum Can you guys critique this idea I have? (Feel free to borrow concepts!)
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

people_alt 2 followers


Here… I'll copy paste it!

Shepherds: An organization of people who come together to deal with the supernatural forces.

-All Shepherds have highly developed minds and bodies, they must be up to par mentally and physically, and must be relatively stable emotionally. They must also be ordained by a faith, even if they don't believe in it.
-All Shepherds must be accomplished strategists and improvisors, and must be able tacticians and leaders, diplomatic skills must be up to par, and they are recommended to be science, history, math, or language buffs.
-Shepherds must be skilled boxers, and should be trained parkpurists and swimmers, medical training is recommended.
-Ninpô is a must for them as well. It is a versatile art that has many facets.
-All of them must be able to drive, and must have at the very least a Class-A license.

-Seige-vans are their favorite mode of travel, sometimes they use motorcycles. Very rarely they will use small aircrafts or small water-vehicles.
-Holy artifacts of certain faiths are used. So are smudge-sticks and rock-salt. And the occasional symbol as well.
-Gasoline+matches and flamethrowers are used.
-Silver bullets/silver blades, and wooden stakes/iron nails are used.
-Grimoires are used.
-Platforms made of holy-concrete with certain seals composed of combined glyphs, runes, shapes and symbols can be used to teleport them places. Mostly to other Shepherd bases.

Consuls: The two highest ranking Shepherds. Are responsible leaders. Must be extraordinarily smart, morally-correct, and/or talented.
Paladins: A council of 12 Shepherds who each command a base. It takes a majority of them to make a vote, but each Consul is worth two Paladins, so it is possible to be stuck in deadlock, or for a vote to be overruled.
Captains: Some 48 captains exist, each controls a squad and gives orders to them that are more or less controlled by the higher-ups.
Lieutenants: Another48 of these exist. They serve as bodyguards and replace the captain if they die, or are away.
Grunts: Consist of Heavy Shepherds, which are combat based, abd Light Shepherds, which are support-based. Each squad has 10 of these. Usually the percentage is 60%-70% Light and 40%-30% Heavy. They do the dirty work.

Special Members
-Psychics, who often have powers such as telepathy, mind-reading, mind-comtrol, superhuman strength, regeneration and telekinesis, are welcome in the Shepherds’ ranks.
-The occasional nephilim or cambion is allowed as well, though very rarely.
-Sorcerers are encouraged to join the Shepherds ranks as well!
-Very rarely has a fallen angel been recruited into the company of the Shepherds, but it has happened once.

-Demons are their targets, whether they're exorcised or killed, doesn't matter.
-Ghosts are a good target. Often they try to help them pass on, but very rarely they will annihilate them.
-Vampires are sought out. They are very tough targets so they are often negotiated with, and occasionally killed.
-Revenants are judged. If their cause for existing is worthy they are aided, if not, they're killed.
-Fae and mer are most often relocated or negotiated with. Sometimes killed.
-Werebeasts are mostly negotiated with. Very rarely are they killed as they are difficult.
-Angels are usually allies, however they are rarely seen, abd it takes almost a whole squad to dispatch one, so they are rarely a variable.
-Fallen angels, meanwhile, as well as nephilim and cambion, are usually spared. Rarely killed.
-Demigods are often located and aided, malignant ones are killed.
-The Four Horsemen are the targets that the organization was originally sought to kill. However after being bonded to Carissa/Demeter/Circe/Ceres/the Bootcamp Director, they are reluctantly allies.


Whoah this is a great idea! I love the detail and depth, I just have a question: from the viewpoint of the citizens of your world and the Shepherds, is the killing of some supernatural creatures just? Do they think it’s absolutely necessary to end their lives? Are all said creatures evil?