forum Can Y'all Just Do Me a Favor and Comfort Me? (Maybe this is selfish to ask, Idk)
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

Hey fam.
I'm stressed about a stupid little thing that doesn't even matter.
Like, it's embarrassing how small it is.
Can you guys please just tell me it doesn't matter and that everything is beautiful and I'll be okay?
Love y'all.

  • M

Deleted user

What is it about?

Ugh, I don't even want to explain it.
To put it simply, I'm kind of known for something and I'm losing that thing? Like, I was always known for this, and now I… Won't?

Deleted user

Dear M,
(I apologies if i accidently made it worse) I know it can be hard to ignore small details, especially if your mind's telling you they mean everything, but everything will be fine no matter how that detail turns out. The world's not gonna explode just because of it. Besides in the grand-scheme of things almost nothing matters, esspecally not such a tiny detail. I know it's hard but there's no sense worrying about such a small thing. If you can i'd advice doing something to distract your mind from it but i know that can be just as hard.

Deleted user

Is it a good or bad thing? Like were you known for something good or not?

Deleted user

Dear M,
(I apologies if i accidently made it worse) I know it can be hard to ignore small details, especially if your mind's telling you they mean everything, but everything will be fine no matter how that detail turns out. The world's not gonna explode just because of it. Besides in the grand-scheme of things almost nothing matters, esspecally not such a tiny detail. I know it's hard but there's no sense worrying about such a small thing. If you can i'd advice doing something to distract your mind from it but i know that can be just as hard.

Thanks so much, love~~

Deleted user

Is it a good or bad thing? Like were you known for something good or not?


Deleted user

Oh oki den, well if you're losing that thing. Is it bc you're changing or do you not like it anymore?

Deleted user

Oh oki den, well if you're losing that thing. Is it bc you're changing or do you not like it anymore?

Changing, I suppose

Deleted user

Then just ignore it, I guess. If you're changing and you're not known for that thing anymore, it's not your fault.


Hey girl! (I'm going to try to help you even tho I don't know if that'll be very effective) Changing is normal and human, and you don't have to stop yourself from it. If you're not "known" for this thing anymore, that's okay! You'll find something that suits you best as you grow and become the person you'll be! (For example, I think Theodore Roosevelt was a writer before he was a politician! Quel che sarà, sarà :))

Deleted user

Hey girl! (I'm going to try to help you even tho I don't know if that'll be very effective) Changing is normal and human, and you don't have to stop yourself from it. If you're not "known" for this thing anymore, that's okay! You'll find something that suits you best as you grow and become the person you'll be! (For example, I think Theodore Roosevelt was a writer before he was a politician! Quel che sarà, sarà :))

Oh gosh, you're just the best <3 If you ever need anything, let me know, I got you :D

Deleted user

Then just ignore it, I guess. If you're changing and you're not known for that thing anymore, it's not your fault.

True, true. Thanks so much. I hope you'll tell me if you ever need anything, cuz I definitely owe you now!


offers hug bc everyone else already gave all the advice

You just be you. It doesn't matter who others think you should be. Are you happy in the place you are in your life right now? If not, then how can you change that? You don't need to be 'known' for something. (And I hate to be that person, but) You are already known and loved by a Father who made the entire universe, then decided that the world needed one of you. So just be you.
Change is normal, and it can be scary, but it's change. Change is life. Hey used to change and you'll get used to life.

Deleted user

offers hug bc everyone else already gave all the advice

You just be you. It doesn't matter who others think you should be. Are you happy in the place you are in your life right now? If not, then how can you change that? You don't need to be 'known' for something. (And I hate to be that person, but) You are already known and loved by a Father who made the entire universe, then decided that the world needed one of you. So just be you.
Change is normal, and it can be scary, but it's change. Change is life. Hey used to change and you'll get used to life.

TYSM, really helped me out. Don't worry about being 'that person', because 'that person' is important and made a big difference. <3