forum Can we talk about Doctor Who ships for a second?
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Deleted user

Seriously, I need to know some of the more popular ships. Whether they're semi-canon, fully canon, or only hinted towards being a possibility, I need to know your opinions! As an avid fanfiction reader/writer, I'd like to know what you think.


Tenrose (they so belong together in my opinion and tons of people ship them)
Elevenrose (i see a lot of fanfics for them but im like nO)
amy (the most wonderful woman in the world) and rory (their married soo…)
Eleven and amy (the most wonderful woman in the world) (I think..people sometimes ship them??)
Whouffle (I ship this all the time but i havent really seen a lot of fics for it)
Twelve and Clara (Its ok and people sometimes ship it..)
DoctorDonna(i see them as more as friends but i think a couple people ship them for real)
River and the eleven (one of my favorites and their also technically married)
i cant think of any others rn but i hoped this helped


amy (the most wonderful woman in the world) and Rory are so great together!!
Also I loved the dynamic between Eleven and Clara
I would ship Twelve and Clara, but the age gap doesn't really feel right

Deleted user

Yeah, I've also heard that some people ship 12 and Missy. Thoughts?


I despise Missy most of the time, and I think that if there's any chemistry between them, it's only because of Missy's relentless flirtatiousness and their common homeworld/species. I don't ship them, but sometimes I really enjoy their dysfunctional relationship.

Deleted user

Missy is kinda my favorite character actually, lmao.


the only functional ship is amy (the most wonderful woman in the world) and rory
and steven moffat butchered that relationship a lot in certain episodes
all other doctor who relationships feel really, really weird


the only functional ship is amy (the most wonderful woman in the world) and rory
and steven moffat butchered that relationship a lot in certain episodes
all other doctor who relationships feel really, really weird

I didn't realize. Which episodes?

Also yeah, I agree. All the relationships do feel weird


When he had amy (the most wonderful woman in the world) kiss eleven, and then eleven bragged about it to rory. I think it was the vampires in venice one. The entire dynamic felt weird. Eleven was awkward and quirky, but he wasn't a downright asshole, and rory wasn't that much of a pushover, and amy (the most wonderful woman in the world) wasn't that flighty in most episodes. It just felt off.

Deleted user

I personally like pretty much nearly all of the ships, I guess I just have a very broad view of the shipping spectrum. I just really like the show, and I feel that romance can be canonically possible at any time. Also, can't wait for S11 of Doctor Who!!! Jodie Whittaker is an amazing actress and I can't wait for her debut as the 13th Doctor! Who else is doing a Doctor Who Marathon in honor of this? Idk I'm just incredibly excited lmao.


Even though I’m mostly convinced that she’s gone for good, I kind of really want River and Thirteen to have adventures together as crazy space wives.

I also have a lot of friends that ship Ten, Jack and Rose.

Deleted user

Yesssss that would be awesome. Crazy space wives is a good idea.