forum Can we have another writing prompt game.... Please
Started by @Relsey

people_alt 1 follower


I just need short stories in my life ok I'm in distress
If you don't know how this works basically someone posts a prompt and every one writes a short story on it, the prompt can be any thing from an object to a basic plot structure
Rules: nothing over P-G 13
That's it
First Prompt: A sparkly item

Deleted user

Heath picked up the stone. "It is sparkly, you're right." He said, glancing over towards Quin, the one who had found it. "I know, and I know you like shiny things so I called you over," Quin said in his usual voice that, no matter how hard he tried, could not stop dripping sarcasm. "Thanks! I have my final stone to take over the world!" Heath exclaimed, jumping up only to be stopped by Quin grabbing his sleeve. "We have got to start talking about your homicidal tendencies and your taking over the world."