forum Can someone talk with me?
Started by @Lavy-the-Nerdy-Sci-Fi-Birdy

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So, a few nights ago I had woken up (This happens to my stupid insomniac ass all the time) and I hear Sunny chattering in distress. I rush down to the living room where their cage is, and I flip on the lights and uncover the cage to find Marbles thrashing around on the bottom of the cage having a night fright while the other two are watching rather alarmed. (This can happen with birds sometimes so it wasn't terribly alarming) So I stay out there with the lights on til he calms down. The next day he's alright. A bit quiet, but doing relatively alright. Yesterday morning, I come downstairs and find him all puffy and huddled up. He'd done this before, and it was usually constipation or that kind of thing. So the day goes on, he's being just kind of sleepy and breathing really hard. At about 8:30ish, he fell off a ladder in the cage. I scooped him up, and he started trying to run, fly, something. He was standing funny on his feet, and he couldn't walk right. He was holding his wings out a bit funny too. I held him in my hand. Stroking his head and kissing him. So for an good hour or so, we were trying to contact an online avian vet, but they weren't getting back. Mom started trying to see if there were any vet in town that was open and could handle a bird emergency (The only certified avian vet is 3 hours away in Watertown). Meanwhile, Marbles keeps breathing harder and harder, and trying to squirm out of my hands. And then, I thought he had calmed down. I look down to my hand where he's curled up. He was dead.


Yeah. I hope it was an isolated event. That means it couldn't have exactly been predicted and the way you reacted was easily the best solution.