forum can someone talk for a little bit?
Started by @flora.books

people_alt 2 followers


im sorry im just having a rough day and i dont really have anyone to talk to at the moment so if anyone just wants to talk about random stuff?


I usually bake when I get bored, but I have to eat what I bake lol so I gain weight. This year I've been busier so I haven't had time to bake and lost 10 pounds, that was nice.


that's nice! i tend to bake when ive got nothing else to do too but my family helps me eat it lol. i have to spread out my baking and do it periodically, though, or the cabinets would be overflowing with cookies lol!


I love to try new recipes, so sometimes we have the weirdest crap in the cabinets. I would cook more but I have aa weird fear of the knobs on the oven, so I have my brother use them.


i would try new things, but i don't exactly have the spare money to buy all the ingredients… lol. a year ago or so i used to be afraid of the toaster but my family made me confront my fears and make toast by myself so now im better with the toaster lol


My fear started from when I almost burnt down the house when I was home alone, how did you get your fear? I always get annoyed when stuff takes forever to toast so I go check on it and it pops out, and I get scared and fall down. I overreact when I get scared, but not on purpose lol.


oh no, that sucks! how'd you almost burn down the house..?? i'm not really sure how i got scared of the toaster, i just was lol


Well I was making pancakes and I had trouble getting the knob to work and it was stuck at the ticking stage, where it lets out gas since we have a gas stove. Then once I started it it let out a big flame almost catching our inconvenient place to store all the mail next to the stove, but not without catching the fabric place holder on fire. Once I got that out I continued making my pancakes. I also forgot to grease the pan I was pan I was using so once I had the stove on I just sprayed the pan while it was on the flame, creating yet another big flame, that scared me a lot. I did manage to make my pancakes though (they were burnt)


unless you count when i was little and used the chalk you could get from justice or somewhere that didn't really show and washed off in a day, then no. lol. have you?