forum Can someone look over my story plot?
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Deleted user

Okay… I know this is really rushed because it's the first draft, but I really appreciate constructive criticism! Thank you!

Dhara sees Yoon-gi give a bouquet of crappy buttercups to Ophelia. Ophelia tries to turn him down politely, but then her jock boyfriend comes and tells off Yoon-gi, somehow making the encounter into Yoon-gi harassing Ophelia. He rips the bouquet out of Yoon-gi’s hands and throws it in the trash before walking off. Dhara picks up the bouquet on her way out.
Later, Yoon-gi’s locker is defaced with graffiti. Dhara goes to give back the flowers to Yoon-gi, but Yoon-gi believes that Dhara is mocking him and then runs off, accidentally shoving her to the ground. She tries to run after him, but trips and falls on her hands and knees. When she tries to stand up, she notices that grass has coiled itself around her ankle, but is now pulling away.
Yoon-gi runs to his house, unlocking the door quickly and slamming it. He crumples the flowers in his hand and throws it across the room angrily, pissed off. He throws himself on the bed, mentally berating himself, and we are introduced to his mom.
The next day, he goes back to school, but sees Dhara waiting for him in front of his now cleaned up locker. Resigned, he prepares himself for more bullying, but she instead apologizes about yesterday and offers to take him to a cafe of his choice after school as payment. Cautious, he accepts the offer and goes to class. Dhara watches him walk away, an expression of curiosity on her face.
He avoids Ophelia and her boyfriend the whole time, until class ends and he heads to the front of the school by the three palm trees, where he and Dhara decided to meet. They take the bus to a nearby boba cafe, where the rain is pouring violently. They order some boba (honeydew for Yoon-gi, milk tea for Dhara) and a couple of pastries, and then sit down. Dhara helps him with his homework, and at one point, the news comes on, showing a superhero. She transitions the conversation into superheroes to see how Yoon-gi reacts, but all he does is stare blankly at her. She realizes that he has no idea about him having powers and is conflicted about telling him, but then does not and instead leaves.
However, two weeks later, Yoon-gi discovers his powers when his bully chases him into the wetlands. He trips on a root, and is about to fall when the branches catch him. Stunned, he can do nothing but stare, and then the branches break and he falls.
He makes his way back to his house and freaks out, obviously, and decides to test his power when he’s taking out the trash by “healing” the shriveled and dead flowers that is inside the plastic bags. Slowly, his hands start to glow with light, and the flowers are not only restored, they grow bigger and cause the bags to explode.
Yoon-gi stands there, stunned, when the empty coffee cup rolls to his feet. He is reminded of meeting Dhara at the cafe, and knowing that she’s one of the smartest people at the school, decides to call her, telling her that something weird is going on. She tells him to come to her house, and once he gets there, he blurts out (“I have superpowers!” takes one look at her surprised smile “Called it!” “You knew?!”) his secret. However, there’s a problem - Florida already has a superhero, and no supervillain. So Yoon-gi can’t really do anything.
He asks Dhara to help him with the hero work, and she refuses, saying that she neither has the time nor the energy to help him, and he’s broke, so he can’t pay her. (“Fine. If you won’t help me, I’ll just have to do it myself.”)
So one night, he slips on a hospital mask and sneaks out to see if he can find any crime. He sees Ophelia getting mugged and stops the mugger, but not before the mugger sprains his wrist. He leaves the mugger there, too full of pain to bother to tie him up with one hand, and heads to the hospital.
There, he runs into Dhara, who is signing in to visit her parents, and she recognizes him by his voice and yeets him out of the hospital. She yells at him a bit for being so stupid to go to the hospital, where his identity will be discovered and where doctors will draw his blood and-
Yoon-gi shuts her down by guilt-tripping her and saying, “Well, maybe if you helped me, I wouldn’t be here in the first place.” She pauses, torn between helping him to not die and keeping her ass out of trouble, and reluctantly agrees to be his partner. (“Not a sidekick. Sidekicks always end up with the short stick of the lot.”)
So they do a couple of experiments to find out the extent of Yoon-gi’s powers, as well as confronting smaller criminals and this (these?) chapters are meant to show Dhara and Yoon-gi growing closer together and bonding, and Yoon-gi’s budding attraction towards Dhara. He sketches out his costume, she looks up different types of plants online, he decides to sign up for a kickboxing class in exchange for helping clean up the room after. Yoon-gi also asks if Dhara could call him by his real name, and she complies. After he invited Dhara to his house and Yoon-gi’s mom learns that she’s staying by herself, the mom invites Dhara over everyday for dinner. Dhara feels guilty about this, so she helps Yoon-gi out with homework while he’s at kickboxing. Yoon-gi tells Dhara about Ophelia, and she just kind of endures his ranting while sipping tons of boba.
One day, after tying up two rapists, the Crimson Dynamo approaches Yoon-gi (Chloroplast) when he’s in the middle of comforting the victim. He offers an opportunity for Yoon-gi to join him on a drug bust, and Yoon-gi readily agrees. Dhara decides to come with them for once - she’s curious about the Crimson Dynamo and a bit suspicious of how he found Yoon-gi. They take down the drug dealers and CD notes that Yoon-gi’s method is a bit unorthodox. Yoon-gi shrugs and says, “Hey, it’s not as if I was properly trained.”
CD tenses up all of a sudden (we later learn that at the time, he had no idea that Yoon-gi was an anomaly) but still continues to beat up the bad guys. Dhara uses a tranquilizer gun that they took from a criminal to shoot down the bad guys (she doesn’t have a huge problem with killing, but Yoon-gi’s probably going to get really mad at her and her GPA’s too good for her to ruin it and get sent to jail), and she hears the conversation and know that something’s up. She tries to talk to Yoon-gi about it, but he convinces her that everything’s all right. One car gets away at the end of the night, and they try to pursue it but fail.
Later, Yoon-gi finally works up the courage to ask Ophelia out on a date (she broke up with her boyfriend), and he asks her to stay behind after class. However, while he’s in the middle of talking to her, she immediately freezes and collapses. When Yoon-gi catches her in his arms, he sees a tranquilizer dart in her neck, and his first thought is ‘dhara what the hell,’ but then he gets shot as well.
When he wakes up, he’s in a dark interrogation room with a bright light. A government agent comes in and apologizes to him about the dart, but then offers Yoon-gi a chance to work for the government as a superhero, but he is unable to tell Dhara this. Yoon-gi agrees and is drugged once more afterwards. He wakes up back in his bedroom, on his bed, and when he asks Ophelia if she’s all right the day after, it is apparent that she has forgotten all of her memories of the encounter.
After the mission, the three discover that it’s not ordinary meth - it’s a new strain of drug that gives people temporary superpowers (and makes them as strong as a superhero, as flexible, as fast, etc. Superhumans, in addition to superpowers, get their skills increased. They are as fast as Olympic runners, as flexible as gymnastics, as strong as a weight-lifter, etc.). They decide to trace it back to the drug leader and destroy it once and for all. Meanwhile, CD (his real name is Jake Eisen and he’s Ophelia’s older brother by two years. Yoon-gi finds this out, Violet-Parr-drinking-water style), Yoon-gi, and Dhara start hanging out together outside of school and bonding. He gives Yoon-gi and Dhara lessons on how to fight properly, Dhara helps them both with homework, and Yoon-gi feels bad for not doing anything, so he brings the food. They also become friends with Ophelia, who joins their group but does not know Yoon-gi or Dhara’s identity.
(Jake keeps his secret identity hidden from Ophelia, but it is later revealed that she knew all along after that one time Jake asked her to do his laundry in exchange for dessert and she found his hero suit at the bottom of the laundry hamper.)
Dhara hacks into the city cameras and finds the license plate number of the SUV that drove one of the suppliers away. They track it back to a house and find a 32 year-old man there, who, after being confronted, swallows a pill quickly and then attacks them with insect control. Yoon-gi tries to summon plants, but the insects keep eating it. It is only when Yoon-gi gives Jake some sweet fennel and surrounds himself and Dhara with marigolds that the hornets and wasps follow Jake into the sky at a high altitude, until they start to freeze over and die. Meanwhile, Dhara breaks the dude’s phone to make a couple of sparks, and she tells Yoon-gi to burn marijuana, which he grows through the floorboards during the fight while the dude is trapped under a pile of bricks (having being thrown through the wall by Jake earlier, but he still can control the wasps). They plug their noses and run outside, putting out the fire with an outside garden hose, but the dude is now high and unable to produce more hornets (also, the smoke makes the remaining hornets dizzy) until the police come.
Jake is nearly out of breath and falls as well, but then Yoon-gi catches him with an overgrown rose the size of a table that snakes up into the air. They both collapse (Yoon-gi of exhaustion, Jake because there was practically no oxygen up there). Jake recovers more quickly, and enraged because of his hornet stings and stuff (this is the first time anyone’s actually hurt him - Yoon-gi isn't that good of a fighter) he immediately starts beating up the insect dude, who has freed himself from the bricks but is still really high, and nearly kills him.
Now, while Dhara admits that she isn’t above killing, morally wise, and she certainly isn’t above petty revenge… the look in Jake’s eyes scared her. Those was the eyes of a man who she knew would stop at nothing to achieve his goals, and while Dhara didn’t kill yet (because of Yoon-gi), if she did, she would only do it out of necessity, while Jake is doing it out of revenge. In the spur of the moment, she throws herself in front of the insect guy, telling Jake to stop. He stops mid-punch, thankfully, and seems horrified at what he’s done.
The police come and take the guy away, and the city council allows them to look at the files that the police took from the supplier’s “lair”. They find out, after decoding a series of messages, that the leader of the drug cartel was going to meet up with the supplier in a week at the Annual ‘Help Save The World’ Gala (masquerade ball for “charity,” which is being hosted at Jake’s mansion. “Good. We got the advantage of the home turf there.”) to sell it to a couple prominent political figures, though these political figures are unnamed in the document.
Meanwhile, Dhara tells Yoon-gi that Jake is dangerous and that they should stop working with him, and Yoon-gi gets mad at her. They argue and then Dhara storms off, vowing to never work with either of them again.
Jake is upset when he hears that Dhara quit, but the mission must still go on. So they keep up preparations, and plan out when to call the police.
They go to the gala, talk for a bit, dance for a bit, and then Jake stands up to give a speech. He uses the secret code names in casual mention (“Love is like a hurricane - you never know what it will bring.”) and he sees the guilty people in the audience. They all meet him outside on the great lawn, and this is Yoon-gi’s cue to follow behind them.
Once he goes outside, though, he comes right on time to see all five of them, including Jake, popping pills into his mouth. He stands there, stunned. (“Jake?” “… I had no choice. I’m sorry, Yoon-gi.”) They all come forward and attack Yoon-gi. Overwhelmed, he has no choice but to struggle futilely as he does his best to fend them off with his bare hands. (this is because the grass was artificial. Same with the rest of the plants.)
However, in the end, they succeed, and beat him up and drag him before the feet of Jake. Jake is there with a sad smile on his face, and he lifts Yoon-gi’s face up by the chin and kneels down to talk to him. (y’all know what i’m talking about here) (“Why?”) Jake reveals that it was because he’s not respected enough as a superhero, with no supervillains to fight. But with the pills, he can easily sell them to people as Jake Eisen and fight them as CD. Plus, his dad’s low on money (hence the artificial plants - too costly to maintain)
He moves his hands to Yoon-gi’s temples, and Yoon-gi is instantly attacked with a wave of telekinetic thought (remember, he took the power pills?). His eyes roll back into his head, and he starts to cry. (“It’s funny, isn’t it? People prepare themselves for pain, train for so long, so hard - they never even think to build a tolerance for sorrow.”)
Just as he is about to collapse from the pure strength of it all, he hears a whistling sound, something causes Jake to let go of Yoon-gi briefly, and an object falls from the sky onto his shoulder. This shakes him out of the sorrow, and through blurry eyes he sees Dhara and Ophelia on the balcony with a giant bag of seeds and a tranquilizer gun.
It turns out that soon after Dhara left, Ophelia confronted her, saying that Jake purposefully gave her a case of food poisoning so that she would be unable to go to the ball and therefore be out of harm’s way (she found out a while ago, after seeing the expiration date on the soup Jake gave her for lunch). She had no idea why he was doing this, and assumed it was related to hero stuff. However, while she was looking in the cabinets for medicine, she found Jake’s stash of power pills and decided to ask Dhara about it, correctly guessing that both Dhara and Yoon-gi were in cahoots with Jake and that Yoon-gi was Chloroplast from that time he saved her from a mugger.
Dhara realized that the power pills were the fake ones they had planned to make for the ball… which means that Jake took the real ones. They rush to the ball with Dhara and Ophelia disguised as servants (so that Jake and Yoon-gi won’t recognize them), and bring what they need with them.
Anyway, Yoon-gi uses the seeds to grow into poison ivy, which he wrapped around the people guarding him. They are caught off guard, and epic fight scene which I am too lazy to describe here ensues.
Meanwhile, Ophelia rushes back inside and tries to get all of the civilians out of harm’s way (in basement), but none of them believe her until she starts screaming at them. (They still don’t believe her, but they’re not going to contradict the scary girl with a gun.)
When the four other people are defeated (Yoon-gi has been training for a while now, while they only just got powers), Yoon-gi notices that Jake is hanging back because he doesn’t want to hurt Yoon-gi and challenges him to a fistfight, one-on-one, no powers. Jake agrees, and though he was reluctant at first, he keeps beating Yoon-gi over and over again, but although Yoon-gi is punched into a bloody pulp, he still continues to fight Jake. Dhara tries to intervene, but Yoon-gi stops her, saying that it’s their fight.
Jake finally surrenders because he doesn’t want to fatally harm Yoon-gi (“Stop fighting already! I don’t want to kill you, Yoon-gi!” “Then leave.”) after going through a series of trying to persuade Yoon-gi to stop (persuasion, humiliation, anger, etc). The police arrive to see what the commotion is and, after a bit of explanation, Jake is taken away in power-dampening cuffs.
Ophelia is naturally heartbroken, and both Dhara and Yoon-gi try to comfort her while the cops drive away.
Epilogue: Jake is in the jail cell at the police when he hears a whistling sound, and the officer on duty freezes and collapses over his desk. He turns around to see Agent 806 (agent who talked to Yoon-gi) walk in, and that’s when his vision turns dark.

@Becfromthedead group

I don't really have any critiques or anything, but I just wanted to let you know I think this is a wonderful plot! It's really interesting and fresh, and a good take on superheroes. Good luck with your writing!


Great plot, I would love to see this as a book or comic! The only thing I would change is the way he finds out about his powers. When he's chased into the wetlands he finds himself falling and saved by some plants, (so far that's a pretty smart idea), but, almost immediately, he makes the assumption that he has superpowers (this would be 100% fine if he had an obsession with superhero comics or for his family to have a known record of having superpowers, but for him to just assume without having second thoughts is a little strange.) Personally, what I would have done, is have him avoid the wetlands for a few days until he builds up enough courage to go back. Once he's there he tries to re-create what happened, until (this is your choice to make) he finally is saved by the plants again, but it might only happen when he starts imagining the plants saving him by force. Sorry for the long paragraph, but honestly, other than that, the story is heading in the right direction! Also (Quick tip!) to make your story more interesting, have the story start out with a normal sentence, no double meanings, just a normal sentence. Then end the story with the exact same sentence. Only those who re-read the story will recognize that small detail, but it definitely adds character to the story. And in doing that, you create your own double meaning for the sentence with your own twist. (If you need any help figuring out what sentence you want that to be, if you decide to do this, let me know, I'll help as much as possible!). (Sorry for any grammatical errors, grammar's not my strong suit).

Deleted user

The first sentence is 'Yoon-gi felt as if he was about to sink into the floor.' when he's asking Ophelia out, so maybe after the police cars drive away and Ophelia runs off because she's upset about her brother going to jail even though she helped them put her brother in jail, that line can be repeated as he watches everyone leave.


You could start the story out with Yoon-gi's thoughts, such as "This might very well be my last day on earth" then end it with that sentence if you plan of continuing to story in a second book?


There are a lot of things you can do with the story, and honestly, a lot of people make writing a book sound hard, but all you need to start with are these three questions "Who is my main character? What do they want? What can I do to prevent them from getting it?". Once you have the first two question, the third one comes while you write.