forum Can Just Say Something?
Started by @Hey_Its_Snowy_And_Im_Generally_Confused

people_alt 6 followers


This website and the people on it are all so amazing. When people are struggling, I’ve seen them been helped out and supported through tough times. It’s such a tightly knit community where everyone is so accepting and caring. I have so many friends on here that are incredible, and I wish I could personally that the literal website for being so awesome.

Sorry for the rant,


I completely agree. It honestly breaks my heart because like you said, everyone is so talented, amazing, and our community on Notebook is astonishing. I am so so so grateful that I could find this site. Everyone seems so kind, open, and friendly but still people out there are struggling with personal issues and I wish I could give y'all cookies and make your days better.


Honestly… Yeah… That's all very true. is a smsll community, but we're growing, and honestly, a few bad apples have found their way into this site because of it. However, the good ones far outnumber and putdo the bad. Your average resident of this site is a monument to the good of humanity, and it's one of the few places where almost everyone is both intelligent, and morally virtuous. Each person here is willing to help their fellow resident, and will welcome them with open arms. In many cases this site is the only thing keeping some people here alive.

I myself just want to make a difference.


I agree with this so much! I’ve been with the community since January, but took a four month break a while ago, and when I got back, I was in a tough spot. Everyone’s reactions and ‘welcome backs’ helped made my day, and the atmosphere was one I missed so much. It’s like everyone here is just working to make everyone else’s day better, and that’s such a beautiful thing.
Because of the expansion of the website, I agree that there have been some bad people on. But even so, the site isn’t like huge websites like tumblr, there aren’t any stalkers or creepy pedophiles or psychopaths, because what pedophile has ever heard of or frequents on a writing website? It’s such a safe space where people can just be themselves and express their feelings, and everyone will immediately help out
I love this site so much