forum Can I just say one thing?
Started by @Periwinkle_

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I've been seeing a whole lot of stuff lately about how annoying it is to see so many kids from like 10-13 or something say that they wanna kill themselves or they have a whole lot of problems, and I just need to get this off my chest real quick. This is no disrespect to anybody, I promise.

My goodness! Its like nobody is allowed to be sad unless they've died and come back to life. Depression can happen to anybody, and it really has nothing to do with how well off you are. People are allowed to be in pain. And if they are in pain, people telling them to just stop asking for attention and stuff is hurting them. It makes them feel even more alone. We've all got problems, and some things hurt people more than they hurt others.

On a different not however, nobody should ever just try to make their lives seem miserable to get attention. Instead of saying something like "OMG I HATE EVERYBODY NOBODy LIKES ME AHHHHHHHHHH" when it isn't true, try "I just feel really bad right now. I really don't know why, but I guess I'm just having a really bad day." Because begging for attention is dishonest, and it makes people who really do have problems look bad. Besides, lying about stuff like that is annoying.


I completely agree. Back when I was in middle school, I was in a really bad place a lot of the time, but whenever I would try to express it, my friends would just call me 'overdramatic' and an 'attention seeker' and 'leave the whining to people with actual problems, thank you'. It messed up my mindset for a really long time. Now, whenever I see anyone venting about their problems, I think of myself back as a thirteen-year-old just trying to figure out why I felt so helpless and insecure all the time and getting completely blown off by my friends.


I'm sorry about that, you shouldn't have had to deal with that. I understand though, because I had someone laugh at me when I told them about something I was going through, and after that I never opened up to anybody.

Deleted user

… Yeah. I'm a young kid and I've been told multiple times that "You're to young to feel those things, you're just being dramatic."


I definitely agree with this statement! I mean just because these young ones are depressed or anxious, it doesn't mean they're fishing for attention or whatever. Yet at the same time, if they are in fact doing that, it's totally not cool.


… Yeah. I'm a young kid and I've been told multiple times that "You're to young to feel those things, you're just being dramatic."

that is NOT ok, you are allowed to have emotions.


I definitely agree with this statement! I mean just because these young ones are depressed or anxious, it doesn't mean they're fishing for attention or whatever. Yet at the same time, if they are in fact doing that, it's totally not cool.


Deleted user

… Yeah. I'm a young kid and I've been told multiple times that "You're to young to feel those things, you're just being dramatic."

that is NOT ok, you are allowed to have emotions.

It's fine, I'm good at botteling them up for a rainy day!


… Yeah. I'm a young kid and I've been told multiple times that "You're to young to feel those things, you're just being dramatic."

that is NOT ok, you are allowed to have emotions.

It's fine, I'm good at botteling them up for a rainy day!

awwwww hugs

Deleted user

… Yeah. I'm a young kid and I've been told multiple times that "You're to young to feel those things, you're just being dramatic."

that is NOT ok, you are allowed to have emotions.

It's fine, I'm good at botteling them up for a rainy day!

awwwww hugs

Please don't, even if it's virtual hugs spark some… Bad things.


… Yeah. I'm a young kid and I've been told multiple times that "You're to young to feel those things, you're just being dramatic."

that is NOT ok, you are allowed to have emotions.

It's fine, I'm good at botteling them up for a rainy day!

awwwww hugs

Please don't, even if it's virtual hugs spark some… Bad things.

oops, im sorry revokes hugs

Deleted user

… Yeah. I'm a young kid and I've been told multiple times that "You're to young to feel those things, you're just being dramatic."

that is NOT ok, you are allowed to have emotions.

It's fine, I'm good at botteling them up for a rainy day!

awwwww hugs

Please don't, even if it's virtual hugs spark some… Bad things.

oops, im sorry revokes hugs

It's fine, just wanted to let you know!
Please don't be mad!


… Yeah. I'm a young kid and I've been told multiple times that "You're to young to feel those things, you're just being dramatic."

that is NOT ok, you are allowed to have emotions.

It's fine, I'm good at botteling them up for a rainy day!

awwwww hugs

Please don't, even if it's virtual hugs spark some… Bad things.

oops, im sorry revokes hugs

It's fine, just wanted to let you know!
Please don't be mad!

no im not mad, i was just being silly lol

Deleted user

… Yeah. I'm a young kid and I've been told multiple times that "You're to young to feel those things, you're just being dramatic."

that is NOT ok, you are allowed to have emotions.

It's fine, I'm good at botteling them up for a rainy day!

awwwww hugs

Please don't, even if it's virtual hugs spark some… Bad things.

oops, im sorry revokes hugs

It's fine, just wanted to let you know!
Please don't be mad!

no im not mad, i was just being silly lol

Oh, okay!