forum Can I Get Some Emotional Support
Started by @SaltyLasagna

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I just got broken up with and I feel lonely and don't know what to do. Idk what I'm really hoping for with this. I just don't want to be so sad right now.


dude i'm super sorry. i've always done the breaking up, but breakups suck entirely

do you want a distraction, or someone to talk to?

Yeah, I usually do the breaking up but I tried to hold onto this one


have you ever considered like, halloween themed snacks? like imagined what you would pick for a party, and ever looked them up on pinterest? because they're incredible

also, what have you been doing lately? unrelated to breaking up, of course. fun things, hanging out with family, accomplishments?

@HighPockets group

Yes Crocs big agree, Halloween-themed snacks are amazing! I've got a little cookbook of them and while I never make them, they're very aesthetic.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Hey Jensen… I know what breakups feel like. What I normally do is find some really good friends and watch a movie that makes you cry. Like The Fault in Our Stars, The Notebook, or even Titanic. And get ice cream. And just watch the movie and cry. You'll feel better afterward.


I'm not sure I can offer much, distraction or advice, but I can offer hugs and let you know you'll get through this and be better for it.


I usually distract myself by looking up ridiculous memes. Or watching screenrant make fun of the Star Wars Holiday Special (which, for the record, should not exist). But the only movie I ever really cried during was Avengers Endgame.
Oh, my sweet Tony. :(

Ahem. Anyway. Music helps me a lot, too. Either to make me cry or to prevent me from doing so, depending on the mood.

I'm so sorry for what happened to you. I know it's quite rough. :(


Thank you guys for responding to this. Sorry I didn't find time to respond I was in the middle of moving and under a lot of stress. and I went back to him


This is VERY late but yes, it was definitely the right choice. It took me a while to realize it but our relationship was very toxic. We've broken up more times than I can count and got together only because we missed each other and felt like we couldn't be without each other, even though the relationship was clearly not healthy.


Yeah, toward the end of the relationship it was easier because it had happened so much I started to lose feelings. But it was hard just being without somebody I was so used to being with.
I'm with somebody else now though. Not anything serious, just somebody I met recently that I like a lot