forum Can anyone read this short story and give writing advice?
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 2 followers

Deleted user

I screamed my head of like an opera singer bellowing out a soprano high note as I race down the long dusty hallways of doom. My life had been simply awesome before all this had happened. A cool life with cool folks and friends. Now I was being chased by an ax-wielding giant in overalls that wanted me for breakfast.
You see, I had died.

The reason I died, however, was nothing heroic as anyone would want their death to be. It all started with reading too many fanfics. My life was encased by them, I lived on them. They were my very breath and one of my sole reasons to live. That and food.
Food was also my life, to try as many of varieties of foods I could until I couldn't eat any longer. But fate seemed to have another opinion of food than I did it seemed. I died by slipping on BBQ sauce. Fate doesn't like gluttons.

The sauce that was supposed to go on my delicious hamburger made me swiftly slip. Falling backward, the back of my head slammed hard on the corner side of the cabinet, which in turn shook the structure enough that the bowl of my unfinished cereal, that was close to the edge of the counter, toppled over and down onto my face. I was basically paralyzed by then, the knock on my head injured me so badly that I was immobile. And slowly, milk and soggy cereal seeped into my nasal passageways, killing me by suffocation
So, I guess you could say I died by cereal. But I think being killed by BBQ sauce sound better…


   “Ahhhhh!” I screamed louder than my mom did when calling my name angrily. 

Fear struck deep in my bones. I had no idea where I was, but wherever it was I was dead meat…literally. I had come to the harsh realization that I had reincarnated or something. I had no chance to go home, to see my parents, to finish reading and watching all those fanfics and show I had saved for later. Those things were gone forever and would always be.

And now I was running for my life. Running, something I would never do considering I was inside all day. But right now, was a good time to become a track star. I raced out the hallway and jumped through a tiny broken window. The giant had to squat down low as he tried to reach through and grab me.

Now you might be thinking, ‘you must have fit through that window because you are in a giant's house. Everything is large in a giant's house, right?’ However, I hate to break it to you, that that is not the case.


     Right after I had awoken in this world, the first thing I did besides realizing my death and reincarnation was finding a mirror.

A large room surrounded me, the tin walls leaking in bits of light from the holes they had. From those small beams, I spotted a broken shark of reflective glass in the corner of the room, slightly covered with overgrown grass. Slowly, I made my way towards it, as if cautious of what it would show. I felt nervous and scared because I was not comfortable or familiar in this new body at all. I was scared to see what I had become. Standing before it, I lifted up my gazed to peer into the mirror, to face the truth of my new self.

Seeing myself, I could only gasp softly. Red and white colored hair. Most of my skin was now the palest of white, and beautiful feathers gently graced my back.

…I was a freaking chicken!?

To be continued?

Deleted user

XD That was good. I'm not good at writing advice, but in my book that was really good.

Deleted user

XD That was good. I'm not good at writing advice, but in my book that was really good.

Thank you!😀

Deleted user

I love the narrator's personality! Your writing style is very good and this is a very creative idea. Can't wait to see what comes next!

Thanks! I literally didn't think of a plot when I sat down to write this so I have to figure one out.


Hahaha! I love the plot twist at the end! Your writing style has a wonderful sense of humor and flow.

One thing you could look at is giving your main character a few more specifics when you write their thoughts. You do a great job at setting up your character as this sarcastic, food-loving geek, but there are so many places you could replace a general description with something that leads the readers deeper into the mind of your character. For example, when you talk about screaming "louder than my mom did when calling my name angrily", you could use this chance to change this around and give more specifics to teach us more about your character, maybe like
"louder than my mom screamed at me to wake up" or "louder than my mom screamed when she saw me scuttle to the fridge, mummified in blankets, a few nights ago."
be specific! show us your character!

Deleted user

Thanks for the feedback! Originally, this was just supposed to be a oneshot so I didn't dwell much on incorporating the character personality in the writing too much, but now that I am going to continue this, I will definitly keep that in mind.
Because a weak choppy character is the worst kind in a book!
Once again, thank you for responding. It is nice to know where I can improve in my writing!