forum Calling All Witches
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people_alt 38 followers

Deleted user

So, I'm trying to learn more about it, I have a notebook filled with info about it but that's it.

Deleted user

Literally anything
I really want to be one(? that sounds so bad, gosh.)
So… Basics?

@The-Magician group

Well.. the most important things you need is yourself and your mind. No matter how many books, crystals, herbs etc you have, your mind is your most valued tool. Now please keep in mind that the things I am going to say to you are based around my own personal preferences; if you were to ask several others who practice witchcraft then they are likely to have other answers based around their own personal preferences.

  1. A journal. This doesn't have to be an expensive one, it could be from the dollar store, it could even be just a bunch of papers stapled together. It is handy for keeping random notes.
  2. A Book of Shadows. I don't think it needs an explanation (unless you don't know what one is)
  3. Salt. I personally keep a jar in a box on my shelf then place it on the window ledge at night to be charged by the moon. It can be used for literally anything. For spells, protection, purifying, cleansing etc. literally anything.
  4. Water, particularly cleansed water. I have a bottle of rain water sat on my window ledge all the time.
  5. Candles. These can be useful for spells, purification, protection etc.
  6. Incense. For me, this helps me focus when meditating or performing a spell. It purifies the air around me, and it just makes a difference.

(All of those items are not a 'must have', different witches use different items, but those are my personal preferences).

Now I myself haven't read this book, but 'The Craft - A Witches Book of Shadows' by Dorothy Morrison is a really good book for beginners. It includes information about herbs, how to cast a circle, what is a circle, among other things a beginner witch would need to know.

Depending on which element you feel more at home with, you may focus on difference aspects of witchcraft. Myself being a nature witch, and feeling more at peace with the earth, I focus more on herbal medicine and things like that. But every witch is different, please keep that in mind.

Deleted user

I've heard of people having deitys that they are in contact(?) with, is that true?

Deleted user

Like… Actual contact?
~~I'm on a witches amino and I've heard tons of people talking about being in contact with gods and such."

@The-Magician group

Is it even possible to have actual contact with deities? I've heard a couple people in my area saying they have spoken with a couple of deities, however I didn't think it was possible. I myself have never had actual contact