forum Cake competition, please help
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people_alt 38 followers

Deleted user

My school has a cake competition each year and this years theme is space. If anyone has any ideas of what we could make for a cake it would be really cool, cause we wanna be original and not do what everyone else is doing. Also, why not just have a chat for cakes?

Deleted user

Hmm… you could go with a variety of subjects, since space is such a vast subject. I'm just going to throw a list in here to maybe get your creative juices flowing with ideas.

  1. A planet
  2. A star
  3. A solar system
  4. An asteroid/asteroid belt
  5. Anything alien
  6. Star Wars
  7. Star Trek
  8. E.T.
  9. A galaxy
  10. A black hole
  11. Spaceship
  12. A satellite
  13. Anything NASA
  14. The moon (landing?)
  15. Neil Armstrong
  16. Elon Musk
  17. Anything from "Men In Black"
  18. Could also use dpace stuff from Marvel's "Guardians of the Galaxy"


Deleted user

That’s all really cool ideas, thanks! You don’t happen to have any good pics or links?

Deleted user

At the moment, sadly no. I'm sure that a quick search in Google Images may be of some help until I get home so I can send you some via my now-working computer.

Deleted user

Yup! My group has won in our class every year lol and we came second place in the entire school by one vote last year


You could do a cake that’s is the sun then take sticks and cupcakes or something to the end, representing the other planets.
Sorta like this

Deleted user

That’s really cool! We only have a couple of hours to do it though and we are not really professionals so I think we’ll go with only one layer