forum Burning Maze??? (WARNING: Do NOT open this thread if you haven't read this book ALL THE WAY THROUGH; MAJOR SPOILER ALERT)
Started by @ravens

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I think that another MC will die, probably Frank or Calypso.

I just hope no more of the 7 die


So my dad and I were talking the other day and (he's never read the series so he wouldn't understand) and I said "I hope Piper and Jason get back together" and do you know what he does? He goes and tells my mom (who has read the series) what I said and–keep in mind this was before I found out about Jason–and she comes up to me and asks "JASOn AnD PIPER BROKE UP???"

@HighPockets group

I have a theory that we’re going to see the seven at their strongest and their weakest in the next series. I think we’ll see the full extent of Will’s healing, Leo’s phrokinesis, Hazel’s powers, and Annabeth’s strategy. Reyna will be a bad*** fighter and probably take down an emperor. If anyone does die, I hope it’s Piper (so she can be with Jason again, and if she dies I think it will be by charmspeaking everyone into letting her sacrifice herself to defeat an emperor) or Calypso (it would be a good point in her development, since she was a massive jerk in HoO,and I think she’d die by sacrificing herself to save Leo, if he’s captured, knowing that he came back for her).
If Hazel or Percabeth dies, I will riot.