forum Books We Hated as Kids
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Deleted user

When I was younger my Dad would get this book out and read it me and my sister. I don't know the title but I absolutely hated it. According to my Dad, it was based on The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, though I'm not sure if that is true or not. This book was about a bunch of giants who start eating sandwiches, the bread is just a lot of rock, and the toppings are ground. I hated this book. Despised it. Even my Mom hated it. But my sister liked it and my Dad kept reading it to us. I tried to get rid of it whenever my school had a book donation program, but my Dad was all like "oh that book is sooooooo good! Why are you getting rid of it?" and I could never tell him how much I hated that book. I got rid of it eventually, but the memories still remain.

Any books you guys hated as kids?

Deleted user

Diary Of A Wimpy Kid series.
It is the most crude forking thing… literally everything is disgusting and there is no plot… it isnt even realistic.

@HighPockets group

Allie Finkle's Rules For Girls.
The MC is obnoxious and self-rightous, her friends are totally 1-dimensional, and it's literally the most annoying series I've ever read.


Literally the worst novel I've ever read. The main character was this unrealistic angel child who was apparently beautiful and perfect but everyone hated her for no reason but she couldn't fight back or anything because she "must be like Jesus." It was also racist (only talked about happy slaves and made like Elsie (as an adult) was perfect for stopping a slave from being whipped…like honey, that's your slave…) and ableist and just terrible all around. Her father was abusive but she worshiped him and he never got called out for being creepy. Her father's friend flirted with her since she was eight years old and they end up getting married. I could go on.


Oh my. That is concerning.
There was this audio book that my sis got at a second hand sale when we were small. It was a recording you could play while reading along. Well, all there was was the tape. No book. It was an annoying story about a princess's surprise birthday party, and it had an annoying song at the end. I freaking hated it.