forum Body Positivity Chat!
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Deleted user

First off, my thighs are really chubby, but it just means my dog's big old head can fit on it!

Deleted user

I've been a bit…rotund ever since I was young. I was also pretty short for my age, so it gave me the appearance of being fatter than I really was. However, as soon as I got into high school, I hit a huge growth spurt. Freshman year I was 5'5", and now, as a junior, I'm 6'1". All that weight evened out through my body and now I feel great about myself.

Deleted user

My chub gives me a more feminine look, which makes me mad, but it makes my face look masculine

@Mystic ac_unit

I'm short but not skinny and sometimes I feel like my body looks super disproportionate but that's just because all mirrors are clowny trick mirrors


I discovered I had stretch marks a few weeks ago andy friend was like wtf because I kept looking at them in the mirror of the H&M fitting room like an excited 7year old (I know. Weird.)

Deleted user

That's awesome!

I get big dysphoria while looking at my body and hips and stuff, but now I'm at least comfortable enough to shower without the lights off!

Deleted user

Yeah, I still can't look at my main body and torso, but I can look at my arms now!

@Mystic ac_unit

I'm conflicted. I have to wear an undershirt that shows off my middrift and I don't knkw how to feel.
I hate my stomach and the fact that it is squishy and has rolls when I bend. However, this digust has been motivating me to work out more, which is making me feel better.

Deleted user

"Is your stomach squishy? Good! It has fucking organs in it!" - No idea where this is from.