forum Black Friday Shopping?
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 2 followers

Deleted user

It's so fun!
Screw Thanksgiving (Which is a terrible holiday and should be spent in mourning) I love Black Friday!

Deleted user

Yup! I have a bunch of coupons too1
The baking store in the mall is about to get raided!


I had to spend Thanksgiving with my (counts on two hands) 7 little cousins. All younger than me. They're all really hyperactive. Like, a solid 20 minutes was them meowing. FRICKIN MEOWING. Yeah, I'm glad Thanksgiving's over. But I'm kinda ticked because Michael's has a smaller sketchbook sale then they did earlier in the year. >:(

Deleted user

I'm going to the mall!
I love the chaos of people brawling to get a good deal!

@HighPockets group

I went to Target last night and got the Grindelwald's Carriage LEGO set and two Harry Potter blind bags. I'm going to Barnes and Noble today and I hopefully will be able to get to the Disney store as well!