forum Big Cherry Badgers
Started by Marie

people_alt 2 followers


I want to create for my Fantasy-world some new animals, called Cherry Badgers. They're basically big badgers with cherry-red stripes, and people can ride on them. They're a little bit bigger than normal cows, strong and slow. I don't really know if your talk about that here, but how do u find the idea? (Badgers are cute, aren't they?)
PS: I'm german and my English is not soooo good, don't flame me pls ^.^


For some honest feedback:
I think your description of the animal is fun and cute, but maybe develop them a little more. Are they typical pets? Are they wild? Domesticated? I think the idea has good potential, keep it up!

(Sorry if I sound rude with the questioning, I'm not trying to by any means. Also, 'find the idea' IS correct grammar:)


Yes, you're right. I just wanted to know if the look of the animal sounds good, but here's something about they're development:
They're wild, and only a few of them are domesticated, because it's difficult to make them pleased.
Thanks for the nice feedback ^^

Deleted user

They sound adorable, maybe they can have fuzzy paws, or something like that and what kind of eyes do they have? Do they have a certain ability?


Fuzzy paws!
That's amazing, thanks! (They have brown/black/pink or yellow eyes, I'm thinking about it. And when they have a very strong connection to someone, they become stronger, STTRROONGER BECAUSE THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP!!! I mean they don't have superpowers or something, but I have to think about it too. ^^