forum Best way to make a reader cry??
Started by @mozartsnumberonefan group

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A character slowly devolving into insanity, and becoming a monster, and slowly that's all they see themselves as. And then another character, someone who knew them before comes along, and can't believe that the first has really become inhuman. And then something just happens, and they see it, and they're shocked and hurt but all they can do is shake their head and say "no no no this can't be right" over and over and over, but knowing in their heart that it's true. The first character is no longer human.
Throw in some pity or love or something too, if you want


A character hiding an illness(physical or mental) and then collapsing/breaking down and then their family member/significant other/best friend whoever suddenly realizes that the one steady person in their life was in fact not okay


Yo Lavy
I just posted that short story I mentioned (yes it's sad and angsty in the new "short story contest" thread)
so you can read that if you want
I'm really proud of it, and it actually got published so uhhh that's cool and I guess proof that it's good?


Hehe….yeah…..clears throat awkwardly

So the reason I put that one down is that I literally broke down crying in front of my sister once and she freaked out. So….yeah….I kinda know it from personal experience.

Deleted user


Thank you for the depression you gave me
It was so sad
Like It was a perfect description of my life

I need time to ..



Thank you for the depression you gave me
It was so sad
Like It was a perfect description of my life

I need time to ..

….from my short story?

Deleted user


Thank you for the depression you gave me
It was so sad
Like It was a perfect description of my life

I need time to ..

….from my short story?

Mostly from all the sadness. but kinda yes

You are such a good writer, so much talent. I wanna be like you when I grow up.


that's one of my pieces that I'm most proud of lol
and like
I have all these little bits in it that I'm waiting for people to comment on
my friend zack got one of them- the MC lost their true love to the bus, after explicitly stating they didn't want to lose them bc of the bus again
and like
MC thought it would be bc they would be on the bus but the girl wouldn't
but then
the bus hit her lol
I have
so much on that story I'm so proud of



Thank you for the depression you gave me
It was so sad
Like It was a perfect description of my life

I need time to ..

….from my short story?

Mostly from all the sadness. but kinda yes

You are such a good writer, so much talent. I wanna be like you when I grow up.

awww thank you love
but uh
you should be like you when you grow up because you are fantastic and wonderful just the way you are


you have like
this one phrase
and one of your ships says it to each other all the time
and then
at the end, something goes wrong, they break up or one dies
and you use the same phrase but now it has an entirely different meaning

literally something similar to this happens in my story
the death is both a parallel to a previous death
and a direct contradiction to the phrase character A says to character B
it's amazing and horrible

Deleted user

Something simple that everyone can relate to.
Like, having a pet you lovelovelove, and it dies. Or spending months preparing for something, only to see it not even happen. Yaknow?
Something that almost everyone has gone through is an easy way to cause tears.


Have someone close to the mc die in front of them beyond their control. FOR EXAMPLE, my pure child who is a smol angel boy named Nathaniel (who injured his wings irreparably when he was younger so he can't flyyyy) accidentally wound up in a battle that he wasn't prepared for like, at all. This mean boi was about to kill him, but then awesome big brother Lloyd swoops in like NOPE and kills the mean boi. Then, when he's turned towards nathaniel like "Hey bro u aight?" another mean boi comes up behind him and uh… stabs Lloyd and then runs away. Then nathaniel is sobbing over his brother's dead body and now he has no way to get home bc he can't fly so he's kinda stuck on earth until someone comes to find him.


I literally created lloyd with the intention of him being the older brother who dies. His role in my story was dead older brother. Oh yeah and also Nathaniel's parents kinda blame him for Lloyd's death and sorta resent him a lil bit but like he doesn't get abused or anything. They just kinda don't like him very much anymore… they still keep him alive but now they think his successful older brother's death is his fault.