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@Ash-has-a-One-Piece-problem @Pickles-EmpressOfKangarooRatsAndAceSnail @Kie-hates-school

@Kie group

Oh yeah, I'm so ready for this. I'll have to check some of it out once I have my phone back though oops

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Found this absolute gem

"How did you tell your parents about your tattoo(s)?"
"About 6 months after I got my tattoos, we had our annual family trip to the lake house. My tattoos are playboy bunnies on my arms, so unfortunately they are pretty obvious either swimming or wearing a tank top.

I was really starting to sweat about 3 weeks before the trip, as the entire family is there, and nobody has tattoos.

So I came up with this idea to get temporary tattoos in the same exact shape and form of my real tattoos. Since my bunnies were tattoos of the playboy air freshener, I had the outline, and I found an online site that makes the temporary tattoos from any image you provide. I ordered about a dozen ‘right facing’ and a dozen ‘left facing’ bunnies with different colors.

That morning before the ride up my girlfriend helped apply the temp tattoos to my arms, and surprisingly they fit almost perfectly. You could tell they were temp b/c they had the slight bumpy and bright feel to them.

In order to also blend, my girlfriend was going to put some on her ankles. But since they were my size, they were way to big for her ankles, so she put them on her hips, one on each side. Hers were only visible in a bathing suit.

We get there just after lunch, and we just go around the back where everybody was. During all the greetings, we got the OMG are they real ? questions, but we assured everybody they were temp and offered the extras if they wanted one. My cousin took one and so did my aunt.

My Mom came back from the store, and she also flipped out with the playboy themed party that had suddenly developed, and asked everybody to take them off. She was insistent and actually got the alcohol, saying she didn’t want to ruin the pictures.

Despite my protests, the bunnies were coming off, and at this point I was resigned to the dismay of my mom. I wiped my temp bunny off and the real bunny was now showing on both my arms.

My mom came over and told me to take them off. I had to admit that although I would love to take them off, they are really tattooed. She stared at me, then the bunnies, then me with this look of abject disgust. She knew I was telling the truth. She then spun around and went inside.

So needless to say the rest of that week was very rough for me and my mom, and eventually we reconciled our differences, as it is was it is."

@Starfast group

(Found the text version)

Why does my son think he owns his computer? He bought it but it is in my house. Therefore it is mine, how can I help him understand this?

I walk into a jewellery store. I pick an expensive necklace, and put it in my purse.

It is in my purse, therefore it is mine.

The shop owner disagrees. We are in her store, therefore the purse—and everything in it from my wallet to my keys—are hers.

She demands I give her everything on me, because it is hers. She demands that I strip and give her my clothes, too. I refuse, and she calls the cops.

The cops come in. Now they are also hers. So am I. Slavery exists again.

The jeweller takes all we have and works us to the bone. She locks us up in her store to protect what is hers, and leaves for the night.

On her way home, she goes to the grocery store to pick up dinner. She now belongs to the grocer. He never lets her leave.

Some rich guy puts a dome over the city. We are in his dome, therefore the city is his.

Chaos ensues across the country. Everyone is out for themselves, taking anything and anyone they can to put on their property.

With the chaos, defences are down. A foreign force invades. They win the war, but since they came to us first, do they belong to us, or we to them?

Everyone is confused. The country is at a standstill while we try to figure it out.

Eventually, we all agree: Your idea of ownership is irrational and absurd.

The world reverts to its original, saner, ideas of ownership.

@Starfast group

Also, I originally came to this thread to post about the time where I found a question that was along the lines of "Parents who gave their kids a unique name, why did you do it?"
And in the answer this one woman explained why she chose to name her child "Amberlinnatrix Lee Strange" or something like that. I'm having a really hard time finding it, but the thought that someone would name their child that haunts me to this day.

@Kie group

I shall mourn that child's loss of any normality until they're over 18 and can legally change their name.

Deleted user

Ever heard of KaVIIIlyn?


@Pickles group

I just wanna know how people feel upon seeing her name for the first time LMFAO

Like I've been simultaneously cursed and burned with a thousand sun's. With a side of wondering why you'd actually name the child you carried in your body for nine months and pushed out of a hole for several hours, that

@Kie group

I just wanna know how people feel upon seeing her name for the first time LMFAO

Like I've been simultaneously cursed and burned with a thousand sun's. With a side of wondering why you'd actually name the child you carried in your body for nine months and pushed out of a hole for several hours, that

Naming her Mistake would've been a better option even.

Deleted user

carried in your body for nine months and pushed out of a hole for several hours